Chapter 3

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Reniyah Andrea Moore

(Ruh-niy-yuh) - Linah - Niyah

Chapter 3: Bullets

After driving around the block, we stopped at a rusted white house. There was niggas all over the porch and girls twerking and drinking to music on the lawn.

"Come on girl, we got sum people waiting on us" Jade exhaled.

"Hell nah, ian getting out this car. It's packed as hell" I stated, looking at Jade crazy.

"Girl, bye" she waved. She turned her car off and started walking towards the door that was barely visible.

"Shit, hol on," I exclaimed, walking to Jade.

We went inside the house and saw a few people chilling. Jade was sitting on a light skin dude with dreads, and around us was three other niggas and 2 girls. One of the boys was dark skin with waves and gold grills, the other being hispanic with curly hair and a silver chain. The last boy was brown skin with wicks and a stupidly gigantic gold chain.

One of the girls started mugging me. She was sitting on top of the brown skin with wicks and was lightskin with bright pink hair and a tiny frame.

"Fuck you looking at me fa" I rolled my eyes.

"Why you staring at my man" she snapped aggressively.

"Girl fuck on somewhere, don't nobody want yo man" I mumbled, ignoring her stares.

"Chill, chill" Jade sighed. "Y'all this my home girl Niyah, Niyah meet Dee, Trey, Wayne, and Stunna. The girl on top of Stunna is his girlfriend, Ari, and the girl beside her is Samiya."

"Wassup," both Dee, Trey, and Wayne spoke.

I smiled and said "hey" back, but I suddenly felt uncomfortable. I looked in front of me to see Stunna staring at me as he licked his lips.

"What's yo name again mamas," Stunna smirked, looking me up and down.

I ignored him, going back to my phone.

"Ay ma, I know you hear me," Stunna yelled.

"Leave me the fuck alone and go back to yo little girlfriend," I shook my head.

I hate weird ass niggas.

"Just the answer question damn," Stunna spoke again. Ari began mugging me again. I wasn't finna deal with no weird as shit so I got up.

"Hey girl, I'm finna go to the bathroom real quick" I spoke to Jade.

"Mhm" she mumbled. She barely noticed me, but I didn't pay any attention to it. She was falling asleep on Dee and honestly, I couldn't blame her. It was 1:37am in the morning.

I stepped over puddles of plastic red cups and drunk, passed out people before making it to a surprisingly clean bathroom. Behind me, I heard footsteps.

trigger warning: mentions of rape and death

Before I had time to react, Stunna rushed into the bathroom and locked the door behind him.

"So you wanna play hard to get huh?" Stunna smirked, walking closer to me. "I like girls like that."

"I'm not playing 'hard to get', I don't want you" I spoke, walking back.

"Quit playing mamas, you know you want this," he chuckled, grabbing my neck roughly.

I started to hyperventilate and I didn't know what to do. I tried to scream but nothing came out. Shortly after, Stunna began touching me inappropriately and tears welled in my eyes. What's going to happen to me? Is this really happening to me? Why me?

"No," I quietly said. I tried to push him off of me, but he wouldn't resist.

"Nah you mines, you know you want this so stop resisting," he yelled.

I tried once more to push him, but nothing worked. He was too buff and I was smaller than him. I cried as he traced my body and I pleaded for him to stop, but he choose to interpret it as me wanting more. At a last attempt, I tried to pocket dial someone.

"Hello?" someone said.

As loud as I could, I quietly screamed "help".

Stunna hadn't noticed that someone picked up the phone, so he kept going. His touches sent pulses of pain coursing throughout my body, and I could no longer bear it. As he was about to take things further, the door was knocked down and shots went off in front of me. I screamed, looking at Stunna's body lying on the floor, seeping blood.

I stood there shocked until a tall figure dragged me out the house. I ran to the car, following whoever it was. Everyone was making their way out the house, running, and those who didn't were still passed out on the floor.

"You okay?" he asked, trying to hug me. He pulled off from the rusty white house and began driving. To where, I'm not sure.

I didn't realize I was still crying and rejected his touch. I felt so disgusting.

"Thank you, for saving me" I mumbled quietly. Out of shame, I couldn't look up at his face. It wasn't even my fault, and yet I still felt like a lowly creature. Even more so, my mind hadn't registered that I was in the car with a stranger.

"I told you not to go to that kickback," he sighed, glancing over at me. "You ight lil mama?"

"Nah, but I'll be fine," I wiped my eyes. "And how you know me?"

"It's Jahserih, dude you bumped into earlier at school."


"Yeah, you ight with coming wit me back ta my crib and in the morning I'll take you to da hospital."

I hesitated before saying "yes". I feel like I can trust him, at least until the morning.

The rest of the car ride was silent, but all I could feel was his temporary glances and Stunna's invasion on my body...


Poor Niyahhhh😭😭

Y'all think Stunna dead👀? Opinions on Jahserihhhh🤭???Put tips in the comment section<3

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