Chapter 22

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Reniyah Andrea Moore

(Ruh-niy-yuh) - Niyah - Linah

The next morning: March 24, 20XX

I woke up from my slumber to see Jah left, causing a pout to form on my face. I missed him already and a part of me ached to check up on him. After our talk last night, I was worried. I didn't want him to go back down that dark path he went through as a kid, I wouldn't let him.

I stretched and removed my comforter from off of me and decided to get ready for school. After I finished dressing, I went downstairs and ran into my mom and Jade having a conversation on the couch. I frowned at the display, seeing my mom smile.

She never smiled at me like that. Her slight dimples were peeking with her pearly white teeth following behind them. She genuinely looked happy.

"Oh, hey girl!" Jade smiled at me. "I've been talking to your mom the entire morning, how come you never told me she was this fun?"

"Yeah, how come?" Keyi intervened, frowning.

I shrugged my shoulders before grabbing a banana to eat on my way to the bus stop. I didn't feel like putting up with Jade's or my mom's bullshit today. It was enough having to deal with one of them, but two? That shit would kill me. As I opened the door, I heard my mom yell across the room.

"Why you not riding in Jade's car? She came all the way over here to come get you."

"I'm riding the bus," I replied nonchalantly. "I have some unfinished work I need to complete on there."

"You better be telling the truth and not with that damn boy." Keyi mugged. I nodded my head before walking to the bus stop.

"I wish they would leave me the fuck alone," I whispered silently. I hate having to deal with this shit.

Although it was only 7 am, it was pitch dark outside with the full moon being the only source of light.

I plugged my apple earbuds into my iPhone 14 Pro Max and played "Nobody Gets Me" by SZA. The song brought me back to the first time Seraph and I rode the bus in middle school after moving.

Flashback: 4 years ago...

"Ugh, scoot over Seraph!" I playfully pushed Seraph off the bus seat, causing him to laugh.

He then smirked and pulled my book bag, causing me to follow along with it and fall on top of him.

"Really?" I smacked my lips as his goofy smile went wider.

"Should've never pushed me off," He rolled his eyes.

I finally got up after struggling for 30 seconds and sat near the window.

"You looked like a crab trying to get on the seat," Seraph joked, causing me to mug him.

"Strike one." I cut my eyes at him.

"Sorry, yes ma'am." He saluted me, which made me giggle. I swear he was always acting silly, but it's what I like about him. He always made me happy.

"Are you ready for middle school?" I smiled, giving him a little nudge. He contemplated the thought before replying, "I guess. I just don't like how there's no recess."

"No forreal." I agreed. "What are even going to do without recess."

"I don't know Linah, maybe we just go straight to class."

"Do you think we'll have the same classes?"

"Yeah, if we don't, I'll just go to your classes instead."

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