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Alice sat there, rocked back on her heels, in shock. He had called her Alla. Who the fuck was Alla?! She was angry now, not as angry as before when she was rage filled. Now, she was just angry.

Alice looked around her, searching for something to staunch Alastair’s bleeding. Nothing, that was what she found, so she just kept smoothing a hand over his heated forehead.

None of her monsters, or friends were around, and for the first time in a long time, everything was quiet. Alice could hear herself think. And thinking… that was something that Anisa did. Alice was the “ditzy one” as Asha had put it over and over again.

Alice silently didn’t agree with Asha, but knew that if she spoke up, and stated her opinions, she would get shut down. Once again. It was as though Asha ruled everything within Alice, and nothing Alice said or did was of any concern. Nonetheless, Alice was glad for the silence.

She looked back down at Alastair, tracing the plains of his face with her eyes. He was really quite a beautiful specimen, with high cheekbones and full lips. But even amidst the perfection of his face, there was a sense of darkness. The cuts on his face didn’t help any, and just made Alice wince in sympathy.

Wait, sympathy? Alice didn’t ever feel sympathy or even empathy for anyone. It was because of the man who pushed her away. Everything she ever experienced was because of him. He was the reason her mind shattered every night when the woman in white came for her. Oftentimes, Alice was sure that they were dreams, and that she was asleep in her bed.

Most days, she would rather be inside her dreams, because at least they seemed more real than real life. No matter what, she always felt like she was safer when she was around Alastair. It was like living inside a bubble, except the bubble was dark and mostly cold.

Alice snapped back to reality, (ope there goes gravity, NOPE) rudely awakened by Alastair shifting under her hand. She looks down, and frowns at the green-eyed boy. He was staring, and Alice didn’t like it when people stared. It made her feel like a bug, trapped under the microscope of people’s expectations.

“What do you want?”

Those four simple words. She hadn’t said them in such a long time, and yet, when they emerged sharp and cold, she felt relief. She was still her under all of the medication and nonsense.

Alastair seems surprised at her directness, but he kept staring. It became uncomfortable for Alice, so she stood, moving Alastair’s head down towards the ground. His head slammed against the ground, and Alice winced, for the second time that day, but she said nothing.

Alastair opened his mouth, and for a moment nothing came out. After several moments of tense silence, a raspy whisper, like a cat’s tongue against sandpaper emerges.

“We should leave this place.”

It's weak. Pathetic. Like the mewling of a half starved kitten, waiting for more milk and getting water instead.

Alice laughed, disgust ringing through her tone. A symphony of disbelief and disgust, accompanied by anger.

“We can’t leave. Are you crazy? The door is locked.” she says, feeling more and more like herself. She wasn’t crazy, and her friends were silent. Alastair looked at her, disappointed and numb.

“The door can open.”

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