chapter 1- nightmares

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Reid had woken up late. This was the second day in a row this event had occurred. Swiftly, the young man scurried out of bed after checking his alarm.

Around fifteen minutes later Reid had already left his apartment and was going up the elevator in the FBI academy.

Reid felt a bit ashamed, how could I have woken up late again? He thought. This isn't like me.

"Look who it is! Pretty, Boy." Derek Morgan shouted as he noticed a shy Spencer Reid emerging from the elevator.

"Hey where were you?" Emily Prentiss asked.

"I uh, slept through my alarm. I had a bit of a rough time last night."

What Reid said was true, just not the rough time you may be thinking of. He was having nightmares again. This time, it was of his friends.

"My man!" Morgan yelled as he patted Reid on the back.

"Not that type of rough night." Reid said, though it emerged from his lips as a whisper.

The young agent sat at his desk and took off his messenger bag, quickly settling in before Hotch could realize he was late once again.

"Hey, we've got a case." JJ project as she walked swiftly across the bullpen.

Morgan, Prentiss, and Reid lazily arose from their seats and headed towards the conference room. Upon entry, they were met with David Rossi, Aaron Hotchner, and Penelope Garcia already waiting. JJ followed soon after.

"So, what do we got?" Rossi asked as the four settled in their chairs.

"We have 4 missing woman.." Garcia started.

"Why were we just notified of this now?" Hotch questioned.

"Police department thought they could handle it." JJ pitched in with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"What are the victims names?" Said Morgan.

"Jessica Guzman, 35 years old with brown hair and brown eyes. She lives with her husband and 2 kids. Kira Vang, 19 years old with blonde hair and brown eyes. She was attending college and living in the dormitory. Asia Lorde, 27 years old with black hair and blue eyes. She was living alone, recent divorce. Lastly we have a lovely Micelle Smith at age 54 with ginger hair and green eyes. She currently lives with her husband and 4 kids. This all took place in St. Paul Minnesota." Garcia quickly finished, making sure to take a deep breath afterwards.

"What? That doesn't make any sense." Reid stated. "Those women have nothing in common age wise, nor look-wise. Typically with an unsub you would see a pattern, a type between all the victims. There seems to be no connection whatsoever unless they all attended some sort of group together. It seems as if they were picked at random. The chances of this happening with a serial unsub is close to none."

"Maybe they were picked at random." Morgan added.

Hotch gave him and Reid questioning look. "Have we ever seen an unsub that's picked their victims at random?"

Reid thought for a second before answering.


"Well that just makes things a lot harder." Rossi said.

"Wheels up in 20." Hotch announced. Everyone left the room besides Reid and Morgan.

"So, Reid, how come you were late?" Morgan questioned.

"I told you this earlier," the young man said slightly chuckling, as he was organizing his messenger bag, "Just a rough night."

"Reid just tell me what happened, maybe I could give you some advice."

"Morgan i'm telling you the truth just let it go."

"Are the nightmares back?"

This sentence gave Reid flashbacks. The blood, his friends, everything. In his nightmare, he would walk into the conference and find the agents, his friends, lay lifeless in the chairs that surrounded him now.

"Reid.. Reid!"

Spencer was abruptly struck back into reality as he heard his friend calling his name.

"What was that man?? You were looking dead at me but it was like you couldn't hear me."

"I couldn't, I just zoned out. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry kid, I just wanna know what's going on with you. It's really not like you to show up late for work especially two days in a row. Just tell me what this is about."

"You were right, the nightmares are back." Reid replied, taking a small breath and pausing in between his sentence. "But this time it isn't about me, it's about you guys. For the past few nights, i've just been seeing all of your bodies. Everyone was dead, it really scared me."

"Kid the same thing happened to me, after a while they disappeared. Give it time, and remember nothing is going to happen to any of us. We're all right here man." Morgan pulled Reid in for a tight embrace before they both exited the room.

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