chapter 2- the debriefing

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Reid was the first to arrive on the plane. He didn't want to waste any time as he barely got any sleep last night as it is. Spencer was hoping to sneak in a couple extra hours.

He sat on the sofa couch close to the snack bar and layed down. Just 10 minutes, he thought. I'll wake up before anyone else even arrives on the plane.

Next to arrive was Hotch and Rossi. The two of them had arrived together.

"Have you noticed something's off with Reid?" Rossi asked, as he saw the young agent asleep on the couch.

"Something's definitely off." Hotch Replied. "Today was his second day in a row being late. It's not like him."

"How do you know about that?" Rossi said smiling slightly.

"I have my ways. But I do hope he's alright. We'd have to ask Morgan."

"Those two are like brothers."

"Speak of the devil," Hotch stated as Morgan, prentiss and JJ had arrived on the plane.

Around 2 hours later, JJ set up the laptop on the small table on the jet, preparing to start a video call with Garcia for the debriefing.

"Should we wake up Spence?" JJ asked, concerned.

"Let him sleep," Hotch answered, "He can review the case file later. Plus i'll fill him in on what we discussed."

JJ shrugged it off as Garcia appeared on the screen.

"Hello my fine furry friends, I come bearing bad news." Garcia stated.

Everyone had a questioning look on their faces.

"Yet another victim has gone missing, but this one was male. His name is Dean Winsbarrow and he's 24."

"Well things just keep getting weirder and weirder." Morgan said as he and everyone else practically racked their brains.

"This isn't like our unsub." Emily added.

"Well to be fair our unsub doesn't really have a type. The fact that he kidnaps woman of all types really says something about him." Rossi illustrated.

"Yeah? What's that?" questioned JJ.

"He's trying to get our attention." Hotch said. "Garcia were any of the victims' bodies found?"

"Nope, police said they have yet to find one."

"Well maybe they aren't dead. Maybe he's just holding them hostage." Morgan suggested.

"That's a lot of maybes." Rossi murmured.

"Do you think the unsub wants something from us?" JJ suggested.

"JJ's right," Prentiss started, "The unsub could be holding these victims hostage to get something from us in return. Could be he wants media attention."

"Well if that's what he wants he sure is getting a lot of it," Morgan showed his phone to the team. There was a press conference. The P.D gave the unsub a name.

"The St. Paul kidnapper?" Prentiss joked.

JJ let out a groan. "They should have waited until we arrived to do anything further."

Hotch slightly sighed. "I want everyone talking to the families of the victims. Since there is no crime scene, we need to figure out if these individuals were really picked at random or if they have a common factor. Morgan, talk to Jessica's family. JJ, you're with Kira Vang. Prentiss, Asia Lorde. Rossi, Michelle Smith. Reid is with Dean Winsbarrow."

Everyone nodded in agreement, besides Reid who was still peacefully sleeping on the sofa couch.

Reid woke up around 10 minutes later. He quickly jumped out of his sleep, startling a few on the quiet jet.

"Spence?" JJ said softly. "Are you alright?"

"What?" Reid replied tiredly. He was slightly slurring his words and rubbing his eyes.

"I asked if you were alright.."

"Oh, yeah. No i'm fine. Why?"

"Nothing, we're landing in a few minutes."

"Okay, thank you." Reid said while rising from the couch. He walked to the bathroom and splashed his face with cold water, before heading to the snack bar to make a cup of coffee.

"Something is up with Spence." JJ whispered quietly to an intrigued Prentiss who was sat beside her.

"I've noticed that too. Your best bet is with Morgan. He would know what's going on with him."

"I don't want to invade his privacy, you know? I think i'll just ask him what's going on with him a little later. Everyone's had to have noticed and i'm sure everyone's asking."

Rossi arose from his seat and stood next to Reid, who was adding coffee to his mount of sugar in the takeout cup.

He quietly made his coffee. Rossi thought about making conversation but figured it was best to leave Reid alone for now.

Meanwhile, Morgan talked to Hotch about what was going on.

"Listen, Hotch, I don't wanna spill all of Reid's business. But the nightmares are back, and he says it's about us this time."

"What do you mean?"

"Reid says he sees all of our dead bodies. I mean cmon man, that's gotta be pretty traumatizing."

"Well what's causing this? What causes the nightmares to just pop back up out of nowhere? Especially the dramatic change of what they're about."

"That's what i'm trying to figure out man."

"Well, thank you for letting me know."

"Sure thing, but don't bring it up to him. I don't want him to know I told you."

Hotch nodded his head in agreement.

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