chapter 8- put in the work

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"Hotch? Is that you?" Reid was whispering, though he didn't know it.

"Yeah, it's me Reid. It's me." Hotch uttered.

"Well, that's enough playtime for today." Jason said before hanging up the phone.

"Dammit!" Morgan yelled from the other side of the table.

As soon as Hotch realized it wasn't Reid who was calling, he put the phone on speaker.

"Garcia did you trace the call?" Hotch asked. Morgan dialed Garcia's number when he heard the voice of Jason, and not Spencer.

"I couldn't get an exact location but I know he's still in Minnesota. The city of Blaine." Garcia said, hoping this would help them find her junior g-man.

By this time, it was late and everybody was tired. Today was a crazy day.

"Listen everyone, I know we are all worried about Reid but it's extremely late. No one has eaten and i'm sure everyone is tired. We can pursue this tomorrow. Get some rest, we're checking in at the hotel a couple blocks from here."

Though the agents protested, they knew what they had to do. Them being up on an empty stomach wasn't helping anyone. Especially not Reid.

Once the agents had arrived to the hotel, they ate dinner that was being served in the cafe and all went upstairs to their separate rooms. The hotel Hoch had chosen was quite nice, and not for a lot of money. You'd think it being next to a police station with extra protection would increase the price.

The agents tried to sleep, but were unable. Everyone was up thinking about Reid. How they couldn't help him. How he was probably suffering.

Eventually they all got a few hours before they ate breakfast and headed back to the police station.

"So, how'd you all sleep?" A tired JJ asked from the corner of the room.

"Great." Prentiss replied sarcastically. "I think I can say the same for everyone.

Hotch, Morgan, and Rossi each nodded their heads in agreement.

"I know yesterday and today hasn't been the best, but we WILL find Reid. We will operate under the circumstance that he is alive and unharmed. Morgan and Rossi, I want you to drive back to Sasha's house; Take the same route Reid did. JJ I need you to contact one of the victims and get a description of Jason. Let Garcia run him through see if it gets any hits. Prentiss, you and me are gonna build a profile."

Immediately the agents got up and headed where they needed to go. Rossi and Morgan were out the door in practically lightening speed. JJ contacted Jessica Guzman while Hotch and Prentiss began building a profile.

Morgan and Rossi were around 10 minutes on the road when they noticed a trashed car a ditch.

"Hey, what's that?" Rossi pointed out. "Pull over."

Morgan pulled up next to the black SUV and both agents got out the car to investigate.

"This is a government issued vehicle It looks like the car Reid drove." Morgan added, "Can you open up the door? We need to take a look inside."

"Should be pretty easy to get open, the drivers side is practically trashed."

Morgan reached his hand through the broken window and got open the door. "Look at this, there's dried blood on the steering wheel. Reid was probably on his way back for Sasha's cabin. He assumingely just got off the phone with us. He's driving, then BAM. A car hits him at full speed knocking the SUV into a ditch. I wonder if it was the kidnapper."

Rossi took a long around at the scenery. "Up there! There's security cameras at the traffic light. We can access them and see what happened. Call Hotch."

Morgan immediately pulled out his phone.

"This is Hotch."

"Hotch, we found a governments issued vehicle in a ditch on the side of the road, looks like Reid's. It's in bad shape man."

"Kidnapper probably crashed into his car and grabbed him while he was unconscious. I'll take a look at the security cameras while i'm here. Come back to the station, I think we know what happened."

Morgan and Rossi were back at the station half the time it took them to arrived. Morgan pressed on the gas so hard they were both surprised he didn't receive a ticket.

"Welcome back," Prentiss teased. "JJ got a hit on our unsub. Follow me."

Prentiss lead the two men into the room the team was using as a mini "round table room."

Hotch turned on the projector and played the footage from Reid's kidnapping.

It showed Jason crashing into Reid's vehicle. Then Jason helping him out and pointing a gun towards Reid's back.

"Reid was awake. He wasn't unconscious." Morgan uttered.

Then Jason took Reid to his car and pistol whipped him, knocking Reid out cold.

"Oh that son of a bitch!"

"Derek, we're gonna find Reid." Hotch assured. The two met eyes, and somehow Morgan knew Hotch was right.

"I've got the unsubs name." JJ said as she entered the room. "Jason Gacy, father to Micheal Gacy, an unsub we caught not to long ago."

"Let's give our profile." Rossi uttered.

"Our unsubs name is Jason Gacy. He's smart and extremely organized."

"We know he's in the city of Blaine, what we don't know is how long he'll stay there."

"Which is why we need to figure out his location and quick. Jason is evolving, he's getting smarter."

"He specifically targeted a member of our team which leads us to believe he is extracting revenge of some sort."

"A press conference will be held and information about Jason's appearance will be released. You will not release his name and reporters
will be told we think he is unorganized and sloppy. If Gacy thinks we're onto him he might move locations or kill Reid on the spot and flee."

"Jason seems to have his cool for now, but we are currently unaware of when he will lose it."

"Time is at uttermost importance right now, we need to move swiftly."

"We have 2 days to figure out where Reid is, let's get a move on."

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