March 2022

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It was March, the weather was nice today so I thought it would be nice to go out (aka highpoint) with Nao. While me and Nao were walking to Ally (aka a fashion shop) I ran into Chris and Vin. We stopped and looked at each other and then I said "Hey I know you I texted you this morning!". It was 9:57am in the morning and I was looking at instagram and saw Chris' story and it said that he wanted foot pics and I sent him my toes and also this was the first time I ever texted Chris. "OHHH you were the girl who sent me the toe pics" he says, I laughed and said "yeah" and while we were awkwardly laughing Vin in the other hand was laughing so hard on the other side far away from us and then I just had to make it not awkward I said "well bye then" we waved bye and walked off laughing. March 5th, a few days later, I texted Chris if he wanted to go out (aka to highpoint). He took a while to reply, but in the end he said "yeah" and he said "who else is coming?". I wasn't sure who else was gonna come but I just wanted us to go. I invited Lisa, Vin and Matthew but only two of them were coming. Matthew didn't want to come. I was kinda sad he wasn't coming but it was okay because the others were. When we got there I saw Chris, Vin and this other boy I didn't know who but his name was Eric Pham, one of Chris' friends. While walking around highpoint we were waiting for Lisa because she was in traffic and we were waiting for someone else too which I didn't know who but I keep hearing Chris and Vin questioning if he's coming yet. It was 3:00 on the dot and we were sitting in front of JD waiting for their friend who just finished getting an eye test. Chris stood up and said "He's here!" while he said that he was running to the food court and we all followed well only me because the others somehow weren't following. While running I was so curious of who it was, I was sweating when running and I was looking everywhere for Chris because he was so fast when I saw Chris I said so angrily " we left the others and where were you even going!" I screamed at him. I was thinking straight and someone walked through the doors that were behind us near Maccas, Chris ran and said "There you are, we were waiting for you" and I turned around and saw with my heart racing so fast. It was Matthew... I was speechless thinking Matthew? The guy who became my first online friend and the guy who my best friend liked? I looked at Matthew, he was wearing a black mask, with a gray shirt and black shorts. His hair was so long and he looked hot, I walked next to Chris and waved hi to Matthew. While doing that I heard footsteps near me and it was Lisa, Vin and Eric. And of course Vin said " why didn't you wait for us, you left us", I didn't care about Vin and the others I was with Matthew not thinking twice my first words to him was " I'm taller than Chris right?" while looking him in the eyes, Chris rudely interrupted us and said " No I'm taller than you!". I stopped giving Matthew eye contact and faced Chris madly " yes", " you are taller than Chris" Matthew said calmly, my heart raced so fast I faced Matthew and looked him in the eye happily "see I told you" I said to Chris. After that, the day was fun and alright, we all went home and I got a message from Jenna I was surprised and messaged her back straight away. I opened Jennas message, " how was it? Did you have fun with them?" I was confused for a few seconds wondering how she knew I went out with them today. I just left her on read and turned off my phone. And so I thought it would be a great idea to just cut lines with boys and worry about school and so I stopped going on instagram and just focused on school.

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