Chapter 3

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Dedicated to SherrySteenkamp.For being a complete loon.And Ilovemyhorse for being...wait for it...wait for it...A PERCY JACKSON LOVERRRRRRRRRRR!


Ok that was a bit over dramatic.Balf of me feels pretty bad but the other half feels so good I have enoug energy to jump of a cliff.Ok wait, thats a bit over exaggerating.But you get it.

When I got home I did not bother with telling my mother about my big blow out.Word will come around in this small town of ours.If you just fart wrong the whole town knows about it.

It was a long long long long long lo...

Ok ,they get the picture.

Don't you sass me young lady!

Uhm,hello?Aren't we the same person?

Good day little lassy!

Whats with the cowboy nonsense?Hey,I'm not done with yo...


"What was that honey?"I heard my mother say from the front seat of the car.

"Nothing"I replied quickly as I realised that I said it out loud.

As I was saying:

It was a long car ride but it was worth it.When we finally came to a stop I saw that some people were in the park.Thats weird.There were two boys(about my age) and a little girl who looked about 7.

The two boys look really familiar.

"Oh,I forgot to tell you,were gonna have a couple of neighbors.Just so you know.


"Oh" is all I could get out because I qas in such big shock.That was unexpected.

As we entered the house I saw who the people were up close.

They were waiting for us at the dining table.

Wait their...


I know i know.Short update but actually i wrote this in like 5 minutes because I have exams and this will be my last update till 12June:(

My friend SherrySteenkamp is also in the bet so jay.Plz vote.Plz.The story will get better.I Wil update on time

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