Chapter 5 : Begining of Fate

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" watashi wa Kikanai wa negaana ku Te" singing Seira....
Yay that's our idol Seira chan!" Seira's fans cheered.
" yup and it surprised me that she join Sabisū club right?" One fangirl said.
" welcome! And today's menu are swe~ets from France,America, Japan and many more!" Eri said then the customers rushed.
" hai stop! I am the who should first eat these all! (Looking at the food) whaaaay! Cake cake cake! Macaron, Mont Blanc!, ice cream! Cotton candy! And many more!! ( then immediately eat) itadakimasu!! Mmmmm oshii! ( delicious) " Amai said. " Amai -Kun here I also brought you a big lollipop!" One girl said. " glady to have it right lolli-chan?( his doll)." Amai said. "Here onigiri(rice ball ), it's your favorite right? I reserved it for you. " Eri said. " oh..... Arigatou.." Yoruko said. " your welcome 😄!" Eri said.
" yin senpai ... How will I solve this?" One boy said. " oh substitute this to x and this to this." Yin said. " preparing for exam heh?" The twins said. " yup exam are coming tomorrow so you twins get a higher rank got it?" Eri said while she hit the twins on their head. " ouch! By the way.... Look it's somewhat hot there?" The twins said. " huh? Where?" Eri said. " look! (Pointing at Kyoma)". The twins said. "(Reading books with flame auras) I must beat Mitukushi!!" Kyoma said. " hahaha as expected from Kyo-chan ne?" Amai-chan said while eating sweets. " but not only flame aura.... There is also black aura here" Yoruko said while pointing to Shion. " hahahaha...... (Evil laugh) my sales are getting better! hahahaha(evil aura)" Shion said. " whaaa!!! Yoruko so scary! Climbing at yoruko's back pointing Shion. " well that's him after all so let's also prepare for our exam tomorrow" Eri said.
And so the Sabisū club prepare for their exams.... The next day....
*write write write* (answering the exams)
Finally the day of results:

First year exam results
Perfect score :800 total scores of all tests
1st: Suoruhi Mitukushi - 798
2nd: Kamawaru Kyoma - 797
3rd: Kawaguchi Hitomi - 756
4th: Hyakuya Seira -728
" kyaaahhhhh!! Kyoma-sama and Suoruhi-sama are the top one ne?" Fangirls said.
" heh well the exams are pretty easy" Mitukushi said.
" (annoyed and flame aura coming out staring at Mitukushi with evil look) this is unacceptable!!!" Kyoma said.
" so it's my win Kyoma! Hahaha see you! And remember, a big surprise will come to you!" Mitukushi said. " huh? Big surprise? Like I care? I'm not going to lose you!" Kyoma said angrily. " Kyoma sama we will root for your success !" Kyoma's fan cheered. " of course thanks you!" Kyoma said. " Kyaahhh! The fans of Kyoma said.
" phew barely made to the top" Hitomi said. " Class president, your score is too far from the top" one girl said. " ( depression scene) ohh o-okay..." Hitomi said. " and please stop making depression scene class president" one boy said. " and sooo were are we?" The twins said looking at the results....
18th: Asahiko Sayuka - 639
19th: Asahiko Hiruke - 629
" o-o..... What a low rank we got" Hiruke said. " at least we don't need to repeat like the last time...." Sayuka said. " heh your right?! :-)" Hiruke said. " Hyakuya Seira absent today because of the concert"

2nd year exam results
Perfect score - 800 total score of all tests
1st: Kirigayomo Shion - 793
2nd: Hoshina Yin - 784
3rd: XXXXXXXX - 720
" phew we made it Shion!" Yin said. " oh " Shion said.

3rd year exam results
Perfect score - 800 total score of all tests
1st: Watanabe Eri - 795
2nd: Tojouka Amanisuke - 790
3rd: Nojouka Yoruko - 788
" oh!? The three of us are on top ne Eri chan, Yoruko?" Amai said. " yup" Eri said.
Time skip...
And so the class ends and they all go home....
And so it's already late evening....
" phew... The line in the supermarket is so long... At least I bought what schools supplies I need so time to go home!" Kyoma said...

While walking...
" ( suddenly stop walking) I feel someone's presence.... ( preparing to defend and look at his back ) " Kyoma said.
" now I got you!" One man said holding a gun shooting at Kyoma.
Before the bullet shoot to Kyoma... Mitukushi pulled Kyoma into a dark alley covering kyoma's mouth and escaped.... Then after escaping... In a dark alley with few lights...

" what the hell was that? * panting* " Kyoma said. " that was a man who wants to kill who he want and I think Haru ( head captain for knights) will take care of it. * panting also*" Mitukushi said. " how did you know ?" Kyoma said. " I saw him" Mitukushi said. " eh!!.. What happened to your arms?!" Kyoma said looking at mitukushi's wounded arms." Oh I'm fine... The bullet just slipped while saving you a while ago but I'm not shooted by that bullet." Mitukushi said. " but first I will do a treatment to it just wait.." Kyoma said. " no need... I will do the treatment, you just put bandage" Mitukushi said. " well then" Kyoma said. (Then... Kyoma putting bandage to mitukushi's arm) " Mitukushi.... The next time... I should be the one who saves you because I'm your knight after all... My job is to protect and do anything for your sake even my life is on line okay?" Kyoma said. " heh.." Mitukushi said. " (after putting bandage) so let's go home 😄" Kyoma said. (After standing). " Kyoma! (Mitukushi cornered Kyoma on the wall)" Mitukushi said. "What?" Kyoma said. " do you know?It's also man's job to protect a lady?" Mitukushi said while his face closing to kyoma's face. " huh? Wha-- (*kiss*).......... (0//.//0)" Kyoma said and also very shock from what happened. " (punches Mitukushi at his stomach just right to move Mitukushi away.) " WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" Kyoma said. " ouch" Mitukushi said. " are you sort of yaoi lover? What's with that action of yours!" Kyoma said but continuing speaking.. " (looking at Kyoma..) oh!?" Mitukushi said. " hmm??!! What?!" Kyoma said. " (blushing ) y-you look beautiful..." Mitukushi said. " (slowly voice changing into girl) beautiful? Hey stop dreaming about your fantas--" Kyoma said and suddenly stopped because his voice changed into girl. " (holds his hair) eh? How did my hair grow long (next touches his chest you know to check something and also his face)... Huh? Why did became a girl? Oh?! Mitukushi...." Kyoma said. " what?" Mitukushi said. " did you cast me some weird magic spells again?" Kyoma said. " nope... I just kissed you and you surprised me to your true form" Mitukushi said. " true form? Oh the true loves kiss where your cursed temporarily will gone and last six hours? And.. Wait it's impossible ! I don't even have romantic something from you!" Kyoma said. " who knows? (Hold's one kyoma's hand) seeing who you really are turns me on." Mitukushi said. " d-did you read my mind again?" Kyoma said. " heh I tried by I can't so I researched it on how you act and many more... Well I'm the next king of this land after all" Mitukushi said. " tsk hmph.... I'm going home" Kyoma said and go away.....
" Kamawaru Koyamira .... Mira heh? 😄" Mitukushi said.
Then Kyoma suddenly run because of the flashback in her memories.... Then temporarily stopped. " *panting* w-what da hell was that? Eh? What is this suddenly headache... And also a fever ? I-I can't move my body.." Kyoma said then collapsed but just right timming Mitukushi catches Kyoma then carried her princess-style to the castle because mitukushi's mother is a great medic and once headed a hospital and currently queen and also good at inventing new medicines.. See what happened to Kyoma or also known as Mira now at the next chapter 😄😄😄
A/n:what a really long chapter by the way thanks for supporting this story even sometimes long and sometimes short.... Sometimes long update so please continue supporting it by voting, sharing or comment anything you like 😄 and also the picture attached here is the true form of Kyoma and Mitukushi .

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