Chapter 95

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Ji Yunxi clenched her lips.

Damn, how did this dog man find out?

No one has ever known that she is hand-controlled, and she has never revealed her aesthetic orientation to anyone.

In modern times, Ji Yunxi's cell phone photo album, apart from work-related photos, are all good-looking photos of hands.

And this man's hands, Ji Yunxi had to admit, were the most beautiful pair she had ever seen in her two lifetimes.

But Ji Yunxi has always been very careful, and will control herself not to look too much.

Likes to be noticed, it is easy to become bait on a fishing rod.

But Ji Yunxi is not a stubborn person. Since she was poked, she thought about it and admitted: "One hundred thousand, I will give it to you in four parts."

Wu Wei'an smiled: "Okay."

The spring breeze was proud of the horseshoe disease, and in the next few days, everyone found out that Mr. Wu was in a really good mood.

Most of the cash in Ji Yunxi's hands was placed in Shangjing, but in Liangzhou, she didn't have so much.

However, if Ji Yunxi wanted money, he could get it together quickly.

There will be an auction in the auction house in a few days, and all the money recovered is cash, and boxes are piled up in the warehouse.

The nearest Kaitai Village in Qingzhou has a store that is no smaller than Kaitai Village in Shangjing.

And Kaitaizhuang also cooperates with banks from all over the world.

Five days later, the shopkeeper of Kaitai Village in Liangzhou asked the shop assistant to bring a message, saying that it was ready and that it would be delivered later.

Ji Yunxi happened to be going to Kaitai Village, so she didn't let the other end deliver it, but brought a few carriages to pick it up.

A total of 25,000 taels of gold were packed in ordinary boxes, and each box was moved to the car.

The common people who came and went saw it, but didn't pay much attention to it, and regarded it as ordinary goods.

When Ji Yunxi returned to the mansion with 25,000 taels of gold, he found a person standing outside the mansion, looking forward to it.

It's Qiuyu.

Seeing Ji Yunxi's carriage approaching, Qiuyu rushed up to greet her, and saluted Ji Yunxi: "Miss Ji, I..."

"Go in and talk." Ji Yunxi interrupted her and led him in.

In the main hall, Qiuyu sat uncomfortably.

When they were in Qinghe County, everyone lived in the damp and dark mines. Although they wore different clothes, they would all be dirty after staying in the mines for a long time.

But this time, sitting in this elegant and exquisite main hall, looking at Ji Yunxi, who is in a gorgeous dress, and the maids who come and go talking and laughing, Qiuyu is a little dazed.

On the day she stayed in Qinghe County, on the day Baofu died, every day and every night, she thought about that scene, and couldn't sleep well no matter what.

Qiuyu originally thought that Miss Ji, or the maids who grew up with Baofu, should be like her, but it seems not.

They seem to have forgotten the existence of Baofu.

There was a bit of sadness in Qiuyu's eyes.

Ji Yunxi lowered her eyes, took a sip of her tea, and asked softly, "You came to see me, but what's the matter?"

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