Chapter 54

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Most of the 20 or 30 people queuing up outside Xiyun Buzhuang in the early morning are elderly people, and the most old women are about fifteen or sixteen. There are three or four old men, and Guanshi Yuan is among them. There are almost three or four younger middle-aged women.

And Wu Wei'an, who was at the top of the row, was too young to fit in.

Coupled with his height, he stands out from the crowd, and it is difficult for others to pay attention.

The old ladies who came to line up to get their clothes had never seen Wu Wei'an before.

They held me, and I held yours. They looked up, down, left, right, and right at the young young man, and said, "Little man, it's early in the morning, and you're here to get the clothes too?"

Wu Wei'an stood at the front, wearing a crescent white brocade robe, and tied his hair with a jade crown.

He has a fair face, a straight figure, and a gentle temperament. Standing there, he doesn't look like someone who would rush over early in the morning just for the 200 Wen clothes.

Hearing someone ask, Wu Weian turned his head away, with a sincere and gentle smile on his face, he looked like a well-spoken junior: "Yes, old man, I'll come to pick up the clothes too."

When the old women go to the capital here, they can occasionally see a very handsome young man on the street, whose appearance looks like a fairy descending from the earth.

Except for a sentence of emotion, they didn't have much ups and downs in their hearts. After all, although such looks are excellent, people just want to admire them, but they don't really like them, and they don't want to get close to them.

But this young man smiled, his appearance was not as good as those young masters, but he was much better than the men they usually met.

Moreover, Mr. Xiao Lang looks good when he smiles, and his figure is even better, so he is very attractive.

They beamed with joy and threw out one question after another, Wu Wei'an was not annoyed, he was in a good mood today, and answered one question after another patiently.

"Which family is Xiao Langjun? You are in your teens this year? You have a wife? If you don't have a wife, I have a pretty good niece."

"The Wu family, eighteen years old, married."

"It's a pity, it's a pity, Xiao Langjun, you don't believe it. My wife is very good at showing people's faces, and your face is very good. Your wife is really lucky!"

"Thank you, old man."

"Xiao Langjun's house seems to be in good condition, why did you come to pick up the clothes so early?"

"Madam's family's conditions are really good, but my family's conditions are worse."

"Then no matter how bad you are, I can't lack your clothes, right? I think Xiao Langjun is a scholar. It's a good time to take the merit test. You should study hard at home. You shouldn't worry about this kind of thing. Let your wife worry about it. Madam conditions No matter how good it is, when she marries you, she is a member of your family. How can a family speak two different words? How can you let you come to pick up clothes early in the morning? If your wife does this, you are not afraid of being gossiped by the neighbors?" Said this It was a woman in the crowd who had added a fat son to her family a few months ago, and she was quite proud, "My husband is studying at home. I definitely can't let him do these things! Three days a day!" Meals, food, clothing, housing and transportation throughout the year, I don't take care of everything!"

Wu Wei'an smiled a little shyly, with a bit of tenderness on his face: "No, no, how can my wife worry about such small things as food, clothing, housing and transportation? My wife has been going out early and returning late to open this cloth shop recently, and I am already very worried. My heart hurts. I came here this morning, but my wife didn't know. This cloth shop just opened today, and I was afraid that there would be no one in the store, so I came here specially to add some popularity to the new store."

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