It's just the start.

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Another day of school, I'm so excited. I roll out of bed, like I do every other day of my life. It's no surprise that I am running late, again. I'm pretty much late everyday, and I honestly have no shame about it. Sleep comes first, what can I say? A yawn fills my mouth and my arms stretch out wide. I brush my teeth and brush my hair, not worrying too much about my outfit because I already knew what I was going to wear for the day that I was dreading. I throw on my clothes quickly and realize that my outfit looks absolutely horrendous. "I CANNOT go to school looking like this!" I mumble to myself, aggravatedly. I only have a few minutes before I leave the house, and I still need to put on my mascara and pack my bag. I rushed to find a new outfit, and it wasn't much better than the last, but at least it was a tad..? I ask ALEXA the time. It's 8:30. The bus pulls up on the street in a minute. I fly down the street, you could have sworn I was being chased by a wolf or something. I made it to the bus stop just as the bus pulled up to the corner. I sat in seat number 10, and pulled my phone out along with my airpods, and just started looking out the window, wondering what the day has in store for me today.

The bus arrives in the school parking lot, and I put my phone on DND mode as I walk off of the bus. I hear the assistant principal yelling in everybody's ear "ID's ON EVERYBODY. ID's ON!". I think it's way too early to be yelling that loud. How does she even have that much energy? I make sure I have my Id on, and walk over to the pole that I normally meet my friends at. After a few minutes a few of my friends showed up as always. Today is December 12, 2022. It's a black week, which means I have science to start off the day. How wonderful.

The bell rings, and I head over to science class with my friend, Evelyn. I greet my teacher as she holds open the door for me, and find my way to my seat as I talk to Evie. I was looking at the door to see who would arrive when, and I saw Dawson walk through the door with Tyson, one of his best friends. He looks different today, and not in a good way. He looks all mopy, like he's not his usual happy self. Something is definitely wrong, and whatever it is, I wanna find it out. Seeing Dawson sad isn't how I want to start off my day. "psst Dawson!" I whisper in a loud tone. He turns his head in my direction and starts to walk over to me. "Is everything okay? You seem off today." I ask in the softest voice I can, trying to make it seem like I care but dont at the same time. He tells me that his girlfriend, Chelsie broke up with him the night before. I feel bad for him, honestly. I mean, I know Gracelyn likes him and all, but Dawson is my friend, and he doesn't deserve that. The worst part is, Chelsie is in our science class. As he tells me he looks over at her. "I'm sorry Dawson. I'm sure that there was a reason. There's other people out there though, she didn't deserve you." He thanks me and walks away. From then to the end of the day, all I could see was his frown from across the room in all of the classes that I had with him. I just knew Gracie would be ecstatic when I told her they called it quits. Seeing Dawson like that, it left me kind of dull. Him being sad isn't something that I want to see. I feel so bad for him. He really didn't deserve that, I meant what I said.

The period went by slowly, as always. I find myself glancing at Dawson a few times, and I guess he can feel my eyes on him because every time I look, he looks. Soon enough, the sixth period ends and everybody's little friend pairs walk out together. We all scramble out the classroom like ants trying to find food for the winter. Evie and my class are right next door, civics. We walk into the classroom and I take a seat looking at the board, reading the stupid bell work. Dawson is in my class, but he usually takes a walk to go say hi to everybody before coming into the classroom. Him and his friend Xander walk in at the same time. Time stops as they walk in. Here's the thing, I do not know if I like either of them. I don't want to like Dawson, that would be wrong. I would be considered a bad friend, I do not want to stoop to Gracelyn's level. But, then Xander, I kind of just started liking him on my own. I don't really know how to describe it, and I don't really know him either. I am guessing that Dawson was telling him about the whole Chelsie situation because of the comforting words I hear coming from his lips. Dang it, we are taking notes again. As every class period does, it goes by slowly. The bell rings after what feels like an eternity. The day goes on and I can't seem to get the look of Dawson's Face out of my mind. Lunch soon approaches, and it's time to tell Gracie that I guess it's her time to shine. When I tell her, an "I know!" slips away from her mouth. Oh yea, I forgot I'm not really his favorite anymore. Expression leaves my face as I remember that I am nobody to him now. She's all smiles, thinking she has a chance, finally. And honestly, I don't doubt that. I mean come on, it's Gracie we are talking about, and Gracie always gets her way. Her long brown hair gets everyone's attention, her brown doe eyes fill up a room with "joy". Her smile and laughter fills the room, and her cheeks are big and round, leaving a cute baby look on her face. She is cute, I have to say. But let me tell you, that's just on the outside. I have had to deal with Gracie for 3 years now and everyday gets worse and worse, it gets mentally exhausting. Every room she walks in she acts like its her palace, and everyone in it is her slaves. Look, I am all for confidence, but sometimes there's too much of it. Some of this might be coming from jealousy, but how could I not be? Gracelyn never has anything to worry about. The worst she has to worry about is her grandma that has Covid. She tells me everything, unfortunately. "Phoebe.. Phoebe!" I hear a muffled voice as I snap back into the real world and not the one in my head. "Come on we have to go get lunch!" exclaims Julia excitedly. Julia is really funny, and I love her to death. She never fails to bring a smile to my face. She has that, "I don't care" attitude, but we all know she has a breaking point. 

As I am in line to get my food, I see Dawson. "Dang it." I mumble. I was just starting to forget about him for a little bit. Gracie pulls my arm and tells me to look at him when I already was. Her looks over at us and waves and we both wave back. He starts to walk over, and I could just feel the look on Gracelyn's face. I just wanna go home. He comes over t o talk to us. He starts talking to Gracie, but he wanted to tell me that he saw my brother the other day.

"Oh by the way Phoebe, I saw your brother at the court, he's so skinny!"  he says while laughing

Im glad to see him laughing. Thats the Dawson I know. 

"Haha, yep I-" I was cut off by a sweet toned voice. 

"HAHAH that's so funny!" Gracelyn exclaims. 

I wasn't too shocked, this happened last year too all the time. When I say all the time, I mean ALL THE TIME. This happened a few more times while we were in the lunch line. We finally got our food and said goodbye to Dawson. Now, I have to deal with Gracelyn's blabbering mouth, talking about how much she likes him. "Why can't she just shut up?" I think to myself. I'm sick of this. little did I know, this was not the end of the story between the three of us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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