Tatta Car Repairs

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Tatta x female reader

This has got to be one of the worst days of my life.

First, I miss my Doctor's appointment. Next, some dude totals my car, when I was on my way to the store. And I just now got to the mechanic and it's 3pm. And to think all this happened cause my alarm decided to not go off.

I had talked to the main guy about repair costs and towing fees and paid. I walk out into the main part of the building and glanced around at all the workers.

Then a worker approaches, he's got black hair that goes down around his neck, also he's wearing a hat, and he's a little on the shorter side.

"Is your name google? Because your everything I've been searching for." He playfully says.

"You search for stuff on Google, not search for Google itself. So I believe you meant to say, if I were google your looking at stuff on me." I smile.

"Now your tryna make me sound perverted." He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. I chuckled at his sudden nervousness.

My assessment on him based, on body language and the way he speaks he can be forward with someone, but he doesn't expect them to do it back meaning past rejection.

"So, you are?" I ask.

"Tatta, and you?" He answers.

"Y/N..." I look over to face him fully as our eyes meet. "So you just come over to hit on me or did you have a plan?" I questioned.

By the look in his eyes it seemed he had one, but he just wasn't acting on it.

"Oh uh, yeah," Tatta clears his throat. "Would you like to go out on a date with me?"

I smile, "Sure." This will be an interesting experiment.

"Cool, we can go get some food and go to my place, is that okay?" His eyes drift away from my mine as he says this.

"Yeah, sounds good."


"So, what you wanna watch?" Tatta asks.

"I don't care, you pick." I say before taking a bite of my sandwich. He nods and picks a movie. He then sits down next to me.

"So Y/N, what do you do for a living? Cause ya know, you kinda already know what I do." He looks over to me then quickly looks down at his sandwich.

"I'm a phycologist." I answer looking at him.

He looks over at me clearly confused, "A what?"

I smile, "A phycologist, is a person who specializes in the study of mind and behaviors of a person."

His eyes look into mine as he says, "Oh, ok cool."

Tatta's eyes are so calming, they make me forget the pain of this world at least for a moment.

"So, what kinds of things are you interested in?" He asks awkwardly, breaking the silence we once had.

I thought for a moment then answered, "Well, depends on atmosphere it's in." He raised an eyebrow to suggest a explanation.

"You can like something in one atmosphere and not like it in another. For example, if you had come up to me and I had been in a fowl mood, our interaction would have gone differently and you would of ended up thinking I was a sour human being and went away, but since I was in a good mood you thought I was nice and wanted to go out with me." I smirk knowing all well that I was right.

"Well actually, when I had come up to you, you kinda looked irritated and throughout our conversation you seemed to get more into a good mood." He stated. My smirk faded as I ask.

"Really?" He nods. He then turns away to face the movie.

After a little while we finish our food and Tatta looks over at me.

"Hey, Y/N," he says and I look over at him. "I have a serious question to ask you," he said super seriously.

I hummed in response. "Do you like cars?" He asks.

I laugh then smile at him, "I in fact do like cars, I would even say it's a love."

He smiles at me then says, "Oh really, if you love cars so much..." He trails off getting up and grabbing something.

"The whole car magazine set?" He says showing off his collection.

"Yes and the limited edition holiday special," I smirk at him.

"No way, really, I don't even have that." He gawks.

"Yep you will have to come over and see it sometime." I say.

"Yeah, no kidding." He smiles.

Every time he smiles I feel like my heart's gonna explode. Also now I realize that he meant like things and not people when he asked what I was interested in. Oh well.

Tatta puts the magazine's back and sits back down on the couch. I think he notices me looking at him so he turns his head towards me.

I could get lost in those eyes of his. We stare into each other's eyes for a while then my eyes trail down to his lips.

We slowly inched closer together until our lips were centimeters apart. We just looked at each other for what felt like an eternity. Then Tatta leaned forward closing the gap.

I don't know anything about cars so that's the best I could do👍

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