Uta Concert 🎉🎉

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Michelle is you best freind. Also, it's y/n's birthday
Uta x female reader

I was getting ready when my bestie Michelle came into my room.

"Gurl, you're not ready yet, I thought you would rush more than this. we're going to see Sology." Michelle stated. I rolled my eyes at her and continued to get ready.

After a little while, I'm all ready, and we head to the concert. Though we had some trouble in traffic cause some idiot got in a car crash in the middle of a four-way intersection and another dude decided to block a different intersection on the street that lead to the baseball game happening that night during around the same time the concert was which made the traffic go on forever. Though, once we got past the baseball game traffic, it was a nice drive, having no more heavy traffic, and every light we hut was a green light!!

When we got to the parking lot that was designated for the concert goers, we paid the 5 dollar parking fee and picked out the closest parking space to the building the concert was taking place in. The building wasn't a huge one, but it was a standing concert with just the pit, so it was likely to be smushed up neer the front and a whole lot less crowded in the back of the venue. We go there before they started letting people in and thank goodness Michelle bought express tickets cause the regualr ticket line was going halfway down the street and partially blocking the way into the restraunts and other little shops on the street.

Michelle and I got in the express line, which is like a third of the line the regular line is. Due to express tickets being more expensive of course, cause the express tickets get you in first so you get to be at the front and dont have to fight through a crowd to get uo there and also being in the express line means you get to be the first ones at the merch booths inside so there isnt the worry that they might not have any more of your size. After about 10 minutes of waiting and both line getting more people on the ends of them, they start letting in the express folk.

Once Michelle and I get scanned by metal detectors, we start to head into the venue. First stopping by the merch booths where foe once a band actually has Michelle's size, shes a lottle on the bigger side and artists tend to bring the smaller sizes to their concerts so this is like a breath of fresh air. After we got a few things, we went ahead and walked up to the front of the venue. The concert starts 20 minutes, leaving Michelle and I to talk amongst ourselves.

"So theres a new restraunt down the street from the venue, its supposed to be 80s diner themed and I've been meaning to go but lately i havent found the time, ya know how it goes." Michelle states, as she smiles softly, wanting input on whether or not I've heard of it.

"Oh really? That sounds cool, maybe we should go there after the concert. See if it's any good. What's the place called?" It seemed like an interesting place, there wasn't a whole lot of diner like places around here so it was nice to see there us a new one that hopefully has good food unlike the other two diner places. One of them undercooked the food, and the other tastes like they dumped all their food, including the sweets, into cod, and pepper left it there for a week unrefrigerated. They didn't even serve cod.

"That sounds great. Ooo!! I hope they have milkshakes. That sounds so good right now!" Michelle states clearly excited about going to this new diner.

"You're more excited for the diner than the concert." I chuckle softly at Michelle, I know it's not true, but it's the way she gushes over the potential  of possibly  having a good diner that I find sorta funny.

"Oh shush!" Michelle exclaimed with a chuckle. "I'm way more excited for the concert, but ya have to hype up the after-party's too, ya know."

Soon enough, all the non express folk pile into the venue, and once most of the people are in the concert, it starts up. The members of the band come out on stage, and of course, my favorite band member come out, Uta, she's just the prettiest girl I've ever seen and to finally be at a concert where I get to look at her in person is a dream come true.

They start playing their music, and it's like I'm in a trance. The melody flows into my ears, and it sends off dopamine into my brain. This has to be one of the best moments in my life, being in the same building as Uta, getting to hear them all play live. It just makes me so happy inside. I love it.

After the concert was over and people started filing out of the venue, I gave myself a moment to let my heart stop racing and just slow my breathing. I then turn to Michelle, who is grabbing something from her bag.

"So, are we ready to head over to the diner? I question, looking at her as she pulls two lanyards, with cards attached to the ends, out of her bag. I can't see what the cards say on them, but I'm kinda confused about why she's pulling them out right now. "What are those for?"

"I got us VIP passes so we can get backstage and meet with the band." Michelle smiles at me, I'm a diehard fan of Sology, Michelle thinks it's good but doesn't care as much as I do but she's my bestie and always makes sure I get to eventually do everything I want to do and meeting Uta is definitely on that list. I also may of may not have squealed and hugged Michelle tightly.

"Michelle!! You're the best!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeal, hugging her tightly before letting go and stepping back, still smiling brightly.

"Hmm, i guess i am the best." Michelle jokes, "Now i just have to find out where we go to get backstage." She smiles and hands me the backstage pass.

We spot a worker and go to ask where we go to meet the band, and they show take us through the back stage area to the room the band is hanging out in. Being in a room that holds the band members of Sology, it's a dream come true. Especially cause of that hotty Uta *insert massive lip bite*. We walk into the room, and I can basically feel my heart trying to rip out of my ribcage like a chestburster.

The band looked over as the door opened. They were clearly having a conversation before we walked in. Michelle and I walk over to them, and I grab out the two posters i bought and a sharpie so they can sign the posters.

"Hey!" I smile, "Can I get your autographs?"

"Of course." The singer of the group Kyuma said. The group all signed the notebook. That's when Uta and I made eye contact. If I were to die at this moment, I would die happy.

"Uta, can you sign my arm?" I blurted out, and she chuckled softly.

"Of course, m'lady." Uta smiles, and when she signs my arm, she puts her phone number down on it, too! I stood there in shock before giggling softly to myself. Uta, the love of my life, wrote her phone number on my arm!!

Might make a part two to this one cause it's already getting quite long 😮‍💨
Also I don't know how concerts work in Japan as I've never been to Japan so I just used my experiences I had while in the US at concerts cause that's the only place I've been to concerts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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