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Summer fireworks don't compare to my Chibikko
(Fluff again~)

Here it came, Summer. It hit like a title wave, full of heat. It reached 106° every day. Which was much to Dazai's dismay. Dazai hated the heat. Especially when sweat trickled down his forehead, seeping into his bandages. It's an absolutely atrocious feeling.

Chuuya, however, loved the summer heat. And not to mention Dazai thought he was oh so buetiful at this time of year. That's the only thing Dazai liked about summer. Seeing the sun reflect off of Chuuya's fiery hair almost bursting into flames, watching it reflect off of his buetiful sea blue eyes basically glowing. Chuuya pulled off every season but summer, summer was undeniably the best.

"Chibikko Chibikko Chibikkooooo!~" Dazai song.

"Oh what do you want you waste of bandages? And if you call me Chibikko one more time the police will find you dead with your head bashed in under an abandoned bridge," Chuuya warned.

"Oh I'd love to die by your hands....Chibikko," Dazai taunted.

"Shut up now get to the point."

"Wellll Chibikkooo I was wondering if you'd do me the pleasure of going out with me this 4th of July??" Dazai smirked. Not the annoying smirk that ticked off Chuuya relentlessly. More of a soft smirk that felt welcoming.

Chuuya sighed.

"You know what Dazai? I really don't care as long as it doesn't affect my work schedule. What time and where?" Chuuya said nonchalantly.

"Oh we're gonna go watch...FIREWORKS!" Dazai made a boom notion when saying fireworks ,"and the time...whenever it's dark I guess."

"Wow real romantic Dazai. That's all you can come up with? I thought the master flirt would have this down by now considering all the ladies you've pulled this on. Spare me."

"Uh I am deeply offended. You know I don't go on dates with the ladies I only woo them into double suicide!"

"There's no wooing involved if they just reject you Dazai."

"You hurt me Chibikko!"

"You know what Dazai, If in accepting with make you shut the hell up, then fine."

"YAY! Does Chibikko actually care for me?"

"Chibikko thinks your absurdly annoying you waste of bandages!"

"How rude."


Dazai jumped into the front seat to drive but Chuuya harshly stopped him.

"Get out of the driver's seat suicidal maniac."

"Worth a try."

"So where are we going Dazai."

"Well that's why I tried to drive because it's supposed to be a surprise~"

"I don't specifically like surprises that include death."

"Your so rude Chibikko! It's the 4th of July loosen uuuup!"

"Yeah well the 4th of July is stupid now give me directions, or we can just stay home!~"

"No Chibikko we are going out on this buetiful holiday! Trust me you'll thank me!"

After giving Chuuya the directions, they were off.


"We're in the middle of a meadow Dazai?"

"Yes Chibikko! A meadow is the perfect place to witness these colorful flying sparks!"


"Mhm take my word for it! I used to come here with..."


"Odasaku. We always would lay on the grass staring at the night sky."


"Yep! You know Chibikko...I only take people here that I care about most~"

"Would you drop the sappyness Dazai? Jeez I can never get a break with you, you know that?"

"Shush, shush, shush, Chibikko you're gonna miss the fireworks~"

"Your such a child," Chuuya said rolling his eyes but still staying quiet to watch.

Sure enough dazzling sparks erupted from a glowing ball that shot up into a sky. They made loud booming sounds that could pop a small child's ears, but it was worth it. Chuuya was absolutely mesmerized. He had never seen fireworks before. Dazai really had a way of introducing him to wonderful styff.

"Wow! It's truly a buetiful sight isn't it!" Chuuya bursted.

"It really, absolutely, undoubtedly is, isn't it?"

Chuuya turned to Dazai immediately realizing he wasn't looking at the fireworks, but himself.

"You never fail to be the sappiest man alive, you know that?"

"I love you Chuuya."

"You know what you waste of bandages? I do to. I love you, you stinky Makeral."

After saying that Chuuya got on his tippy toes, pulled Dazai down by his coat, and gave him a kiss full of all of the love Chuuya had for the man in front of him. All while fireworks boomed behind them.


I really do hope you enjoyed that. It's not summer yet but I was in the mood so July it is. This one has a special place in my heart~

Please leave your opinions in the comments <3

Word count: 777 (woah!)

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