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A weight was pressing down into Kyle's chest. He shot up in a cold sweat, eyes darting around the dark room quickly. As he processed his surroundings his breathing steadied. The electronic clock on his nightstand flashed '3:07'. His heart rate slowed back to normal and he realized he'd only been having a nightmare. Stan's confession earlier had put his OWN potential confession in his mind. He'd known he was gay for years. He also knew his parents would never accept him. Never in a million years. His nightmare was one he'd had before. It was about coming out to his mom. He unclenched his fists that had previously been digging his nails into the palm of his hand and laid his head back down. He glanced over at a sleeping Stan.

God he looks so peaceful when he sleeps.

Kyle noticed the little pillow barrier he'd put up had been basically destroyed. As peaceful as Stan may look in his sleep, he definitely tossed and turned. Kyle was totally guilty of that too though. He took a deep breath to try and soothe the lump forming in his throat at the prospect of what he was about to do.


At the end of his mental countdown he gently reached over and grabbed Stan's hand. It was slightly calloused, but also very soft. VERY warm. He flinched when he felt his friend lightly squeeze his hand, but relaxed realizing it was just a subconscious response. He hadn't woken him up. Kyle sighed softly and closed his eyes, allowing sleep to overtake him once more.

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It was about 3:05ish when Stan was woken by a kick to the shin.

And people say that *I* toss and turn

Stan glanced at the clock on Kyle's nightstand before laying his head back down. He couldn't help letting his eyes drift to Kyle's face. His eyebrows were furrowed and his teeth were grinding slightly. Kyle had been having terrible dreams since middle school and this was obviously one of them. Stan used to wake him up when he was having them, but learned that it was smarter to let them play through after he'd been given an unintentional bloody nose by 8th grade Kyle.

All the sudden Kyle shot up looking frantic and Stan froze. He felt like saying something would just embarrass or upset him, so he did the only logical thing he could think of and fake slept. He heard Kyle's breathing even out and slow down and felt the rustle of the pillow next to him, signaling that Kyle was laying back down. A few moments passed and Stan felt a warm hand grab his. He was so grateful the room was dark so the scarlet hues now painting his face would remain hidden. He felt like his heart stopped when he realized he squeezed Kyle's hand. He was SURE he'd blown his cover. Thankfully Kyle said nothing and the silence of the room was soon filled with soft snores.

If I don't tell him how I feel I think I'll actually explode

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"How'd you sleep?" Stan asked with a yawn. Kyle rolled over to face his friend, tiredly groaning. His curly red hair was an absolute mess in every sense of the word.

"Mmm okay." Kyle lied. He pulled his blanket tighter around him blinking the sleep from his eyes. "You?"

"Good." He replied with a nod. He ran his hand through his jet black hair attempting to tame it down. He hadn't gotten a chance to look in the mirror yet, but he had a feeling his hair was just as messy as his friend's. The two sat in comfortable silence after that. Kyle was still cuddled up under his blanket attempting to leach all the warmth he could from it. Stan on the other hand was sitting up and scrolling through social media on his phone. Half an hour passed before either of them spoke.

"What was it about this time?"

Kyle gave Stan a confused look. "Huh?"

"Whatever you were dreaming about." Stan clarified and set his phone down on his lap. "Same as usual or-"

"Shit did I wake you up?" Kyle voice was muffled from his blanket cocoon, but the worried expression painted on his face could still be seen clear as day.

"What was it about? You can tell me." Kyle's question went completely ignored much to his dismay. Stan waited expectantly for an answer.

"It wasn't anything bad just..." Kyle picked at the hem of the blanket as his mind raced to fill in the blank. "school related stuff...y'know?" A lie yes, but a believable one. Stan didn't look entirely convinced but didn't press the subject further. "Hey what time is it?"

"It isss..." Stan held the 's' sound out as he turned on his phone to check. "9:46"

"Oh yikes it's kinda late already."

"It's a Sunday."

"Fair enough." Kyle laughed a bit. He finally dragged himself out from his blanket bundle and sat up, cracking his neck and knuckles. Stan made a disgusted face.

"Aw sick dude that's so gross!" Stan shuddered. Kyle rolled his eyes and lightly smacked his arm.

"You're jealous because you can't pop yourself right."

"I am NOT jealous in the slightest. It's just so crackly it's off-putting."

"Crackly Schmackly it feels GREAT."

"You're weird as hell dude!" Stan laughed, earning himself a light pillow smack to the arm. He jumped out of bed with a playful eyeroll, then walked across the room and flicked on the lights. Kyle winced as his eyes adjusted the new brightness of the room, feeling tempted to curl back up in his blanket.

"Are you hanging here or going back home?" Kyle asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Whatever you want." Stan shrugged. "I know my mom wants me home at like 2ish, but I can chill here until then if that's okay with you."

"Obviously it's more than okay." Kyle rolled his eyes. Stan grinned.


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