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About a week had passed since the incident. Kyle hadn't found the time to talk to Wendy yet and tensions between him and Stan were at an odd level.

It was just little things here and there that Kyle took notice of. Their chairs in class were always scooted a little farther apart than normal. At lunch they weren't hunched over Stan's phone scrolling to pass the time. Now they were on their own separate devices. It used to be a no brainer that they'd sit next to each other on the bus ride home, but now Kyle found himself asking if he was still welcome. Of course Stan always said yes.

It wasn't a bad tension per se. They weren't fighting and they got along just as well as they always had. Maybe Kyle was subconsciously making it awkward because he'd finally acknowledged how long his feelings had been going on for. Or maybe Stan, who'd also made a mental note of the slight dynamic shift, was at fault for the mild awkwardness.

Stan's drinking had reached a weird point. He wasn't addicted. Really, he wasn't. He'd just found himself drinking more frequently than before. He knew it was bad for him. His dad was a walking representation of what drinking does to a person, but Stan had it totally under control! It's not like he was walking around wasted all the time. He'd just occasionally sneak alcohol to school and get wasted on nights where his thoughts were too much to control.

The whole Wendy and Kyle thing was taking a weird toll on him and he wasn't sure why. He'd finally figured out his sexuality and accepted his not so platonic feelings for Kyle, but now him and Wendy are calling each other? Wendy KNEW how Stan felt about Kyle and she was trying to take him!

Very irrational thinking and Stan knew it, but he couldn't stop how jealous he was. He'd usually have Kyle talk some sense into him, but the entire situation was about Kyle so that option was clear off the table. He knew he'd been putting a weird strain on their friendship, but he was going through a lot. He didn't want Kyle to figure out anything either whether it be his feelings or him slipping back into old habits.

Kenny wasn't oblivious though. Kenny saw the subtle shifts in how his two best friends were behaving and he didn't like it one bit. Especially because he knew how the two boys felt for one another. He wasn't going to interfere too much because it truthfully wasn't his business, but he also loved being involved in things that weren't his business.

"Stan can I have a sip of your water?" Kenny asked innocently, staring at the raven haired boy across from him at the lunch table. He saw a glimpse of panic cross his eyes as he fumbled for an excuse.

"Uh don't you have your own?" Stan asked, his hand casually scooting his metal water bottle closer to him. Kyle had finally looked up from his phone to watch the exchange.

"No I left mine at home." Kenny lied with a shrug. He had a feeling it wasn't water in that bottle. He just wanted proof before throwing around accusations. "They jacked up the cafeteria prices too so I can't buy one."

"Well-" Stan started, his brain working overtime for a reason to say no. He suddenly coughed. "Yeah no man I'm getting kinda sick. Wouldn't want you to catch what I have." It was a cheap act and Kenny saw through it. Kyle on the other hand inched away from Stan.

"Yikes dude you're sick?" The ginger asked, crinkling his nose slightly.

"Oh I don't mind. I have a great immune system." Kenny jumped in quickly. He figured with enough pressure Stan would crack.

"No dude seriously this is- this is bad. Like I shouldn't be at school right now."

"Then why are you here?"

Kyle had began to pick up on the situation. Something was very off. He decided to interject. "Kenny you can have some of mine." He said, sliding his own metal water bottle across the table. His eyes never left Stan though.

Kenny sighed, but muttered a thank you to Kyle before taking a swig of water. Stan looked at Kyle appreciatively. He always had his back even if he didn't know what was happening.

"I'm gonna head to class early." Kenny said, suddenly standing up from the table. Before Kyle or Stan had a chance to get a word in, the blonde was already walking out of the cafeteria.

"Weird..." Kyle said under his breath. After a moment he turned back to Stan. "What was that about?"

"Hm?" Stan slowly turned to face Kyle. His brain felt like it was moving through corn syrup. "Yeah no Kenny's such a weirdo right?" He laughed.

"Stan." Kyle's voice was stern.

"Kyle." Stan mimicked his tone teasingly, not entirely grasping the weight of the situation. Without another word Kyle quickly leaned in to test a theory. Stan's face went bright red before he realized what was happening. He fumbled, quickly trying to push Kyle away, but the damage was done. "Dude!"

"Stan you reek-" Kyle said, scrunching his nose in disgust as he was pushed away. The scent of whatever booze his friend was sipping stung his nose. "Stan you said you were really working on quitting."

"Okay whatever." Stan said with an eye roll. He was getting sick of feeling so judged all the time. His mom was judging him, his therapist was judging him, his crush was judging him. Judge judge judge. It never stopped. "It's my life. If I need a little extra help to get through the day that's my business not yours."

"It absolutely is my business because I lo- care about you! You're my best friend, dude. I'm not gonna watch you turn into your dad."

"What are you gonna do? Tattle on me to Wendy?"

"What the fuck does she have to do with any of this??"

"I don't know!" Stan exclaimed loudly, causing a few neighboring tables to glance over at the pair. "I don't know." He repeated, voice slightly softer. He was tipsy and riled up and needed to get out of there. "You're hiding shit and judging me and I'm sick of it man."

"Stan I thought we dropped the whole phone call thing-"

"Nope. Not dropped. You're hiding shit and talking to my ex behind my back and I want to know what's going on."

"We can talk about that when you're not sneaking fucking vodka to school." Kyle snapped causing Stan's bitch boy thought process to come to a halt. "I don't like Wendy like that so get that out of your stupid brain Stan. Now I'm not continuing this conversation today and probably not even tomorrow. Just drop it and stop acting like a dick because you're mad about stuff you don't know about."

Kyle looked almost shocked at the words that had come from his own mouth. He sat there, waiting for Stan to reply. That didn't happen. Instead, Stan muttered something under his breath and stood up, walking out of the cafeteria.

Kyle hung his head in his hands, shutting his eyes shut tightly.


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