"I'm Dora the freaking Explorer."

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I hit my head against my locker and keep doing it. "No Lacy. Please, I don't want to go. I hate them!" Out of the corner of my eye I saw that she was giving me puppy dog eyes.

"C'mon Madelyn! It's for your birthday! I already bought the tickets." She said jumping up and down.

"You, what?!" I squeaked looking at her.

She squealed. "Yep! So you have to come to the concert with me."

I turned back to my locker and kept hitting my head on it. After another minute of hearing Karena go on and on about how great it was going to be, I closed my eyes and sighed. "Fine but that does not mean I'm going to enjoy it."

She jumped up and down squealing again. I shook my head at her. A seventeen year old senior shouldn't be jumping up and down about some stupid boy band. Yes, I said stupid boy band. A.K.A One Direction. Before all you girls start hating on me, hear me out. My name is Madelyn Aleo. I'm seventeen and I'm a senior at Oakland High School in Phoenix, Arizona. I live with my mother Elizabeth and my father John. My dad is a record label producer, sadly. It's a pain in the kisser. We live in this big house with my older brother Jared who's twenty-two and my twin younger sister's who are twelve, Carol and Becky. Jared and Carol have the same black hair as my dad but Jared has the same blue-green eyes as my mom and me. Carol and Becky both have my dads dark brown eyes but Becky has my mother's blond hair. I got a mixture of the hair down to my waist. Dark-ish brown hair except last year my friends mom died my hair red with white streaks in it that turned blond in the sun. It started growing out so I died it a medium brown but it turned into a perfect golden color in the sun and light brown in the shade. It's weird. Sadly me and my siblings are super popular Every. Where. We. Go. We're pretty much famous because of my dad.

I mean sometimes I see my pictures in the newspaper and magazines. I hate it. I can't do anything without them somehow making up rumors about the best recod label producer's eldest daughter. He really is the most popular and greatest record label producer. He has awards to prove it. My best friend is Lacy Drosdov. She has brown, crazy, wild, hair to the middle of her back, green eyes and olive skin.We've been friends since we were in kindergarten when I threw a boy off the playground for calling Lacy a Gorilla. Her hair was pretty poofy that day but it was still mean. My mom always laughs at me because she's full blooded Irish and moved here with her parents and siblings when she was fifteen so she still has some type of accent. Anyway she say's it's the Irish temper. My dad is full blooded Italian and moved here with his parents and siblings when my dad was twenty because he found a job. He say's it's because I have the mafia in my blood. His dad was part of it, a leader actually. So either way I have a bad temper. Jared and Carol both have a temper to but are big softies. Becky has the same attitude my grandma MacAteer(My mom's mom) and my mom have. The 'Violence is Not the Answer' Attitude. My brother, Carol, dad and I disagree. If someone messes with you wait for them to hit, and then knock 'em down to ground. Use the 'Aleo Wrath' as my dad's parents would like to say.

"Madelyn. Ready to head to first hour?" Lacy asks beside me.

I nod and we walk to first hour.


I finish my assignment and lean back in my seat. It was already third period and lunch was next. Senior's were allowed to go off of campus because we have an hour for lunch instead of a half an hour like the lowerclassmen. I was excited to go get some darn food. I mean saying I love food is like the understatement of the century. It's my bestfriend and baby. Aside from Lacy. I get out my notebook and started writing poems. Have I mentioned that I want to be an author when I'm older? Well I do. I've loved writing ever since I could remember. It's my stress releaser. I love it, but not as much as food, but pretty close. I don't let anyone look in it. No one. Not even Lacy. I wrote down a few lines just as the bell rang. I practically shoved my stuff in my bag and ran to my locker. Lacy was there waiting and I grabbed my keys out of my locker.

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