Chapter 23

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Few hours after Mrs. Go death, Y/N sent Chaeyoung to go home first with Ji Won as the innocent little child was sleepy.

"I'll see you later, Rosé. I have to do something first about my mother's remain, and I'll come back later. Please wait for me," Y/N said sincerely.

Chaeyoung just nodded her head and smiled. Y/N looked at her for one last time before drifting away with his car to the hospital back.

Meanwhile, inside her mind, Chaeyoung knew that her job, or mostly her main reason to accept the contract was over the day when Y/N's mother passed away. 

Eventhough Mrs. Go already knew about the contract she had with Y/N, and forgave Y/N and her for hiding the truth, she still feel guilty about it. Mainly because they lied to both of Y/N parents. She thought of telling Y/N about Mrs. Go knowing the truth, but Chaeyoung couldn't do it.

She was afraid.

Afraid that once Y/N knew the truth, he will leave her. Not when she also realised that she started to fall in love with him.

However, Chaeyoung knew, sooner or later she had to leave Y/N and Ji Won. And she had to do it now, before it was too late to let both of them go.


Before Chaeyoung left the house, she visited Ji Won's bedroom. That child was also one of the reason she accepted the contract with Mr. Y/N. Chaeyoung grew attached with Ji Won. Ji Won might not be her biological daughter, but Chaeyoung loved and cared for Ji Won just like her own.

Now, she needs to leave this angel.

She remembered the letter that she received from Mrs. Go.

Letter from Ji Won's mother.

Maybe, just maybe when Y/N saw this letter, he would find the woman he once love, and build a happy relationship and family with Ji Won's mother.


And Ji Won won't be alone. She has her biological mother back.

But she understand she cannot be here. Not when she could be the reason to stop all of that from happening.

Chaeyoung caressed Ji Won's hair gently which causing Ji Won to wake up from her dreamland.


"Hi princess," Chaeyoung curled her lips and pecked Ji Won's forehead.

Ji Won's frowned when she saw the baggage beside Chaeyoung.

"Mommy, are we going somewhere?" Chaeyoung could see the sparkles in the child eyes when Ji Won thought of going travelling with her.

"No baby, Mommy has to go somewhere far," Chaeyoung said sadly.

Ji Won pouted, and Chaeyoung could see that the child was almost going to shed her tears. She quickly pulled Ji Won's into her arms.

"Princess, why are you crying?"

"Are you going to leave me too? Just like Nana?" Ji Won mumbled while hugging Chaeyoung.

"No princess,"

"Then you will come back?"

Chaeyoung was speechless. She did not know what to say and even reply to Ji Won. Lying and giving Ji Won hope that Chaeyoung will be coming back won't do any good for the innocent little child. This is because she knew that one day, Ji Won would think Chaeyoung as a betrayer as she did not keep her promises.

"Hey princess, listen to me, okay? No matter where I am, I will always be in your heart," Chaeyoung said while putting hands on Ji Won's chest.

"So, you won't leave me?"

" I won't,"


Instead of answering her, Chaeyoung just smiled and kissed Ji Won's forehead.

"Hush now. Let me put you back to sleep, okay?"

Ji Won's nodded her head.

"Mommy," Ji Won called Chaeyoung before closing her eyes.

"Yes, princess?"

"I love you,"

That 3 words.

The hardest of all. The reason if she stayed longer, it would be hard to let them go.

Going downstairs, she knew Marian was asleep in her room. Chaeyoung let out a sighed of relief, since she could never left Ji Won alone in this big house unattended.

Chaeyoung walked to the dining room, and pulled out the letter she got from Mrs. Go. Not only that, she also put the letter that she had wrote for Y/N after she was done packing her things.

Chaeyoung looked at the house one last time before finally leaving the house.

Thank you for everything.


Y/N returned home after he settled all of the document needed to manage and claim his mother's remain.

"Chae? I'm home," Y/N called.


The house was dark, and no one seemed to be answering him.

Y/N couldn't find Chaeyoung anywhere, even inside the his daughter's bedroom where Ji Won was in a deep sleep.

Y/N went downstairs, and reached his phone, trying to dial Chaeyoung.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

No answers.

Y/N went to the dining room, and he saw lots of letter on the table.

It was letters from Ji Won's mother.


But how?

Then, he caught one more letter on the dining table. He recognised that name.

Park Chaeyoung.

His Rosé.

That's when he knew.

She left.


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