Father's Day

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Seems like the Hero-nims have been busy once again. This time the event was orchestrated by the children the Young Master Cale Henituse adopted.

Just as peace have been claimed and kept, the kingdoms and empire(s) have been busy cleaning up after the Great War with the White Star and the God of Despair. Cale was finally resting after winning the war. He was 'recovering' at the Super Rock Villa and was 'bedridden', forced by the other members of the family, much to his delight.

Cale and the three kids watching over him were surrounded by comfortable silence when Cale called for their attention.

"Ahem!" Cale feighned coughing.

"Are you alright, human?! What happened?" Raon panics.
"Why are you coughing nyah?!" Hong panics, while the eldest silently watched while shaking her head.

"It's nothing. I'm really fine; the cough was fake. I'm trying to get your attention, kids." Cale explains, "As I was saying, I have something to ask you."

"What is it Cale?" Ohn asks, while the two boys just tilt their heads in question.

"Do you want me to adopt you? I'm already—" Cale was interrupted by the sudden tackle by the children.

"Really nyah?!"
"Human's going to be Dad?"
"Are you really?"
Three hesitant excited children acquires.

"I will if you kids really want me to." Cale promises.

"Of course!!!" Three happy answers were heard.

After processing the documents, which took a while since they were beast tribe children and a dragon, the entire family celebrated happily. The Fog Cat Tribe were still too scared of Cale and the others, even after they signed all documents needed to legally have Ohn and Hong. There wasn't much issue with Raon's adoption because:

1.) He was a dragon,

2.) It was also his choice, and

3.) No one can stop them otherwise.

Sheritt agreed since she was a remnant of her real self and she knows Raon would be happy with Cale. Besides they live in seclusion in the Forest of Darkness. Raon just needs to go to the black castle to see her.

After a few hours of processing the legalization of his adoption on the children, they had a small celebration before the grand dinner. It was a bit grand for a small party, since only inviting close allies and familywere invited since it was a very private celebration. It was probably the fastest paper procedure done, but who can deny Cale Henituse at this point? The man was the one that led the heroes in saving the world from the White Star. Aside from that, with his wide connections and close ties to different royalties, the man can easily get what he wants.

Although the celebration was private, the news of his adoption of children -- beast tribe kids and a young dragon-- has spread like wildfire. As news spread, some have already had an idea that the kittens often seen with them at the past were said beast tribe children. Of course the biggest news is that a dragon, as young as it has been said, has allowed themselves to get legally adopted.

Dragons are the Kings of Mana, and with how great and mighty they've been seen in the war, they are also said to be secluded from humankind. To have one adopted by a human, no less, causes quite a stir, but then again, it was the Young Master Cale's and the little dragon's wishes themselves. What can they do? Nothing, really.

As the group continues to stay together and continue with their own lives, the common occurrence of dinners or meals with everybody or almost everybody to catch up. Even those from the Eastern Continent --Bud and Glenn-- and Endable Kingdom --vampire Fredo-- sometimes comes to such dinners. As much as Cale grumbles, he allows them to join and just let things happen. It helps that the kids like asking questions, allowing easy communication amongst the group.

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