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With the future of the kingdom secured by the Kuru dynasty's infant heir, the next step was to be the Aswamedha yagna. A horse would be released to wander freely in the land of Aryavarta, and Hastinapur's warriors would give those kingdoms the choice to swear fealty to Yudhishthir or fight.

The unanimous choice for leading the warriors was Arjun.

When he accepted the responsibility, he had assumed one or more of his brothers would be accompanying him. But Yudhishthir explained to him that Hastinapur's defence at that point was of utmost importance and only one of them should set forth for the horse sacrifice.

"I would have liked to be the one," Bheem said, "but I am sacrificing the honour for the sake of my anuj."

"Er, thank you, Bhrata Bheem, but you will come with me, won't you, Madhav?" asked Arjun hopefully.

"No," said Krishna blandly.

"Why on earth not?"

"You need to learn to stand on your own feet." Madhav's eyes twinkled. "Now that you are a grandfather, and all."

Eventually Arjun realized Madhav was serious about this. Just like he had been serious about not joining the Pandava side during the war by default. Just like he had been serious about returning to Dwaraka after the war to spark Arjun into making an effort to deal with the demons of war.

Following to Madhav's instructions, even if unpleasant at that time, had time and again proved itself to be the best path.

All the same, spending a whole year without his brothers, his mother, his wifes, Madhav...

Arjun scowled down at his feet.

"I will go with you," came an unexpected voice.

Vrishaketu strode up to him, complete with weapon and armour. He had come along in leaps and bounds in the few months Arjun had trained him. Presently, he exuded confidence, but he faltered when he spoke.

"If you don't mind...Kakashree."


Arjun was so overcome with the new address that he couldn't speak at all, which his nephew took as rejection.

"I thought it would be a good place to test my newly built skills." Vrishaketu's shoulders slumped.

"Of course," said Arjun quickly. "Of course, son. You will come with me. I won't require anyone else."

Vrishaketu looked astonished before smiling. Maybe it was Arjun's imagination, but he thought he spotted a shadow of Abhimanyu in the innocent smile.

Now that the boy would be with him, under his protection, the idea of spending the year wandering their land practically alone seemed less unpleasant.

And he knew Madhav would appear the first instant he needed him.

He had his armband, after all.


A week later, Arjun felt a strange sort of solemnity as his horse reared itself into motion alongside Vrishaketu's, followed by their soldiers. His Gandiva slung comfortingly over his shoulder, he looked back a last time to wave farewell to his family and friends. Their best wishes came as a cacophony of haphazard shouts.

The glint of the blue-green peacock feather fluttering in the gentle autumn breeze was the last thing he saw before turning back to the road ahead of him.

His life hadn't been very easy at times, but the people he loved best had helped him through it all. There was however only one person who had never caused him any pain, even by mistake, and had only kept him enveloped in peace, comfort and love. 

To the world, he was unreachable, great and terrible, the Lord reincarnated. 

To Arjun, he was simply...

"Madhav." Arjun whispered under his breath the name that was his talisman as he set forth to win his kingdom world domination. "My Madhav."

Aftermath: The outlasting Krishna-Arjun journeyWhere stories live. Discover now