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Normally I wouldn't do these stuff but this series meant so much to me that I am not ready to sign off just yet. This isn't the last book technically, but since I published Book 6 first of all, this is the end of the series all the same (:

I love few things as much as Krishna and Arjun and their divine bond. They are beyond this world--there is nothing more peaceful and comforting than Madhav and Parth in the whole universe, they make us explode with love and yet feel calm, and this journey of writing their journey, from the beginning to the end was nothing short of magical.

I had the most fun writing Book 2, Dwaraka's Bliss, because that phase of their life involved nothing but joy, and Book 4, Kurukshetra, was enormously draining emotionally because it involved everything but joy, but that is the whole point about Madhav and Parth's journey through life: they faced extreme ups and extreme downs but never stopped caring for each other with their otherworldly love. The series also gave an opportunity to write some other people I'm fond of and haven't written much on, like Abhimanyu, Satyaki, Subhadra and Balaram. And my ArDi. Though, since I suck at writing romance, I kept them brief and always trailed back to Madhav-Parth.

I have stuck to canon for the most part of the series, though there were a few bits where I deviated (like in the actual epic, it was Arjun who requested for Krishna to be his charioteer, and the whole writer of destiny plot bit is obviously my imagination).

There were doubts I had while starting the series, the foremost being the portrayal of Madhav's character, because how do you ever do justice to the portrayal of the Lord of Creation? But now, with the feedback in the comments, I think I have done a decent job at it (especially since you said this is how you have started imagining Madhav, Melody398). Of the way I've shown Arjun, I am convinced our actual Arjun was exactly that: innocent, adorable and the sweetest of sweetests and softest of softests (Mishu_Rocks) whom his Madhav would have kept bubble-wrapped (SudhaTammana) ❤️💛💚💙 (ChGowtAMi).

And the thing I will always be grateful for is that this series gave us a whole community of Madhav-Parth lovers.

Thank you guys for your support. To my biggest supporters, starting with my little sister Mishi (Mishu_Rocks), and then Alisha (notajoke77), Ryu (Melody398) and Gowtami (ChGowtAMi) as well as h_o_neyco_ves, AshuICT , polivakamsumanjali, -Dhadkan-, writinganewtale, SudhaTammana, regina_mysterious565, tiya_writes, Anubhav02 and 01102007a. I'm also grateful for my readers who voted on each chapter within minutes of it being published as well as the silent readers, for loving Madhav-Parth and giving my series a chance.

Now I have always had this problem of not being able to stop writing when I have started, so I must force myself to. I've started a book on Abhimanyu in which I'll assuredly put in much Madhav-Parth.

Do let me know what you felt about the series in the comments!

Signing of with loads of love for my readers and for Madhav-Parth,


This beautiful piece of writing reminded me of Madhav-Parth, so adding it here

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This beautiful piece of writing reminded me of Madhav-Parth, so adding it here.

Aftermath: The outlasting Krishna-Arjun journeyWhere stories live. Discover now