Chapter 7

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Kothar and Chance's Escape
(Original date: 6/26/22)

Just a general warning, there is cursing in this one.

He looked around at the audience he had gained within the castle, keeping his expression neutral despite his rising anxiety. Some were butlers and maids, while others were guards that he had seen protecting the palace. He looked forward, his advisor standing there along with what used to be his father's crown. It had only been a few days since both of Kothar's parents had died, and now he was being crowned as king, which to him did not seem like enough time to mourn. He walked towards Chance, about to attempt to reason with him again. "Chance. I said I did not want to be king." He said. Chance shook his head in response, seemingly solemn. "I know, Kothar. But I'm afraid you must, since you're the only heir left alive. I apologize." He said, glancing around. Kothar felt himself begin to fill with rage, clenching his fists before immediately snapping at Chance. "Your fucking apology won't do ANYTHING!" He yelled, Chance flinching as he raised his tone. "Both my parents and my fucking brother died, and I've only had THREE DAYS to mourn! And now I have to suddenly become fucking king?!" Chance hesitantly responded, his tone softer and his expression showing a slight hint of fear. "I.. I know.. Kothar... I understand h.. how you feel.. but-" Kothar quickly cut him off, still brimming with fury. "NO YOU DON'T! You don't understand how I feel in ANY way, shape, or form!" Chance began to attempt to make himself smaller, Kothar noticing that it was something he did when being yelled at. He felt tears begin to fill his eyes, though he ignored them. "YOU weren't taught EVERYTHING YOU FUCKING KNOW by them! YOU were NEVER loved by them in the same way I was!" He continued, Chance beginning to respond again. "I'm s-sorry Ko-" "SHUT UP!" He snapped, Chance shrinking back up and letting out a small whimper.

He felt a hint of regret upon seeing Chance's reaction, but he remained there for a moment before sighing. "I'm going to my room." He said sharply, turning towards one of the hallways and beginning to walk down it. A few servants stepped out of the way, their expressions and demeanors all full of caution as his cape flowed behind him. He felt tears begin to fall down his cheeks as he reached the door to his room, opening it and stepping inside before closing the door behind him. His mind was full of the memories of his parents and his brother as he took off his cape and slippers, crawling into bed and nearly completely covering himself with the blankets. He began to silently sob, covering his eyes with his arm. He found himself wanting his family back, along with not wanting to be the only member of his family left. He was the only one that had not gone with them when they had left for their trip around the neighboring kingdoms, seeing as his brother was going to become king soon. He had slept in that day on accident, causing him to have been left behind at the castle. Sure, he was somewhat glad he was alive, but it shouldn't have had to come at the cost of his parents and brother. After what felt ages, he heard a knock on the door, causing him to look towards it. "Ko... Kothar..? May I.. c-come in..?" He heard Chance stammer from the other side of the door, Kothar being able to tell how shaky his voice was despite how muffled it was. He sighed, wiping away his tears. "Fine." He said, laying back down. He heard the door slowly open, along with Chance's footsteps. "I.. apologize for.. earlier.. Kothar..." he mumbled, Kothar hearing him lightly tap his foot, something he usually did when he was nervous. Kothar kept his gaze forward, his face still nearly buried in the blankets.

Chance paused, seemingly awaiting a response before speaking again. "I.. I u-understand if you d-d.. do not.. wish.. to forgive me..." he said, sounding as though he was on the brink of tears. He felt guilty for making his own advisor and childhood friend feel this way, thinking to himself. "I.. I just-" Kothar cut Chance off, still looking ahead. "Come here." He said solemnly, patting the part of the bed beside himself. He heard Chance walk to the other side of the bed after a moment, seeing him come into view and sit down. His eyes were filled with tears, his expression a mix of worry and sadness as he glanced around. Kothar sat up, gently wiping away his tears. Chance seemingly grew somewhat surprised, his cheeks becoming slightly red in color, which is something Kothar noticed often happened whenever he touched or got close to Chance. He shook it off, however, hugging Chance. "It's okay. It's.. my fault for overreacting.." he said, gently stroking his hair, causing Chance to seemingly grow more relaxed. He smiled at him, feeling himself grow happier at the sight of Chance being happy. "There.. you.. feel better..?" He asked after a moment, gently patting his shoulder as he stopped stroking his hair. Chance nodded, making eye contact with Kothar for only a second or two before his face grew slightly redder, causing him to look away. "I uhm.. well.." Chance started, beginning to tap his foot again. ".. You're.. certain.. that you do not.. want to be king.. correct..?" He asked. Kothar raised a brow, confused by the question, although he trusted Chance. "Yes.. why?" He asked, Chance sighing in relief as a response. "Okay.. so I don't.. need to convince you much.. on this plan.." Kothar tilted his head slightly. "What plan?" He asked, Chance making eye contact again for a split second before speaking. "Basically.. I.. want to help you.. run away.."

Kothar's eyes widened, utterly bewildered. "You.. what..? Did I.. hear you correctly..?" He asked, Chance nodding. "No no no.. no this.. I'm dreaming.." he said, pinching himself and wincing as he felt the pain. Chance looked at the floor. "I know this.. is out of character of me but.. I... want you to be happy.." he said. "And if being king.. doesn't make you happy.. then I'll do everything I can to help you avoid that fate." Kothar felt even more confused. "But.. isn't the kingdom your first priority..?" He asked, Chance looking at him, though still evading eye contact. "It.. it should be, yes.." he replied. "But.. you are far more important to me.. than anything else.." Kothar felt his heart skip a beat as Chance finished his sentence, which surprised him. "Even though.. with this plan I.. cannot join y-" Chance started to continue, but Kothar cut him off like he had earlier. "No. You're coming with me." He said, Chance looking at him in confusion. "Wh.. why..?" He asked. "Two reasons." Kothar started. "One, you know more about the land surrounding this kingdom than I do. Two, I care for you too much to leave you here all alone." Chance looked a bit surprised, seemingly thinking for a moment before sighing. "Alright. Fine.. I know I cannot convince you otherwise.." he said, Kothar smiling again and chuckling. "I love how you're able to predict me so well.." he said, Chance's face growing even redder than before. Kothar did his best to ignore it, not really sure on how to react. "Y.. yeah.." Chance said, looking down again. ".. Should we.. leave tonight..?" Kothar nodded. "Definitely. Otherwise some other maid or butler will try to force the crown on me." He said, quickly hugging Chance's arm before standing up.* "I'm gonna start packing. I'd rather be ready early." He said, Chance seemingly snapping back into reality. "O-oh.. right.. I'll.. do that too.." he stammered, standing up as well and exiting Kothar's room.

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