Chapter 13

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Rahn Running a Cult
(Original date: 10/24/22)

"Come on, my lord. We need to get you ready for your public appearance." Frino said. "No!" Rahn cried, Frino dragging him behind him. "I don't want to!" Rahn flapped his wings, attempting to fly up in order to break free. The maroon haired man in front of him, who had been assigned to be Rahn's "assistant", sighed, his grip tight. "You cannot be hidden from sight forever. The people need a figure to worship." Frino opened a door, stepping into the room. Rahn grabbed onto the doorframe with his free hand, flapping his wings to try and boost himself. He felt his arm get released, causing him to burst out of the doorway. He didn't get as far as he hoped, however, feeling Frino grab his wing and yank him back into the room. He yelped in surprise, pain shooting through his wing as his assistant closed the door. Rahn looked to Frino as his wing was released, seeing a few feathers fall out of his hand. Frino stared at them as they floated to the ground, looking back up to Rahn once they landed. "Apologies." He said blankly. This, Rahn had figured out, was a common occurrence with him. No matter the situation, Frino's expression remained cold and unchanging, and his tone of voice was always monotone. He never showed any emotions, almost as if he never felt any to begin with. Rahn watched Frino walk to a rack of clothes, starting to sift through them. "Which robe would you like today, my lord?" He asked. Rahn thought for a moment. He didn't usually like wearing the robes he was given, but there was one he quite enjoyed. "The.. black one.." he muttered. Frino nodded, grabbing a robe off the rack before handing it to Rahn. He sighed, Frino stepping out of the room. He changed into the robe, neatly folding his previous attire and placing it in a basket. The only reason why Rahn enjoyed this specific robe was due to the cut out shoulders and the lacy sleeve ends.

He walked over to a mirror, standing in front of it and staring at his reflection as Frino stepped into the room. His assistant began to brush and braid his long, white hair. His wings were droopy, Rahn noticing a few loose feathers. Frino seemed to notice this too, speaking as he finished braiding Rahn's hair. "You need to relax more, my lord. You will lose all your feathers." Rahn looked down. 'Good,' he thought. 'Maybe I'll stop getting worshipped.' He felt Frino smooth out a few of his feathers, grabbing his wrist after and leading him out of the room. "I will give you advice on what to say." Rahn nodded solemnly. He had no hope of escaping his fate, why should he bother with continuing to resist? His wings dragged behind him as he stared at the floor, following behind his assistant. The sounds of a mumbling crowd began to grow louder and louder as they neared the circle, Rahn beginning to shiver as he grew more anxious. Frino stopped at the door that separated the two of them from the crowd, letting go of Rahn and turning to face him. "Please attempt to calm yourself, my lord." He said. "... Right.. sorry.." Rahn mumbled, taking a deep breath. Frino stared at him for a moment before opening the door, making a gesture for Rahn to walk through first. He stepped through, the crowd's voices almost immediately dying down before Frino stepped through himself and stood beside Rahn. All eyes were on him. He kept his composure intact, clearing his throat. "Uhm.. greetings.. all of you." He said, his heart pounding as he was met with pure silence for his response. Frino whispered to him. "I have finally decided to grace you all with my physical presence." Rahn nodded, roughly repeating his words. "As.. you all can see.. I.. have deemed you.. wo.. worthy.. of perceiving my.. physical presence." He heard a few people within the crowd whisper to one another after he spoke.

Frino whispered to Rahn again, once again repeating him. "With.. my unmatched power... I could.. destroy you all in an instant.." he said. "But.. I have.. deemed you.. worthy of.. mer.. mercy." He glanced to Frino, who gave him a thumbs up. He thought he saw a slight smile on his face, which surprised him. Regardless, he felt sick, which he knew was due to his extreme stress. He decided he would need to end the meeting now. "Thus.. concludes today's m.. meeting.. may you.. all.. prosper in.. your daily lives." He said. Frino staring at him for a moment before holding the door open for Rahn again. He quickly stepped through with Frino following close behind him, collapsing to the floor as the door shut. He leaned against the wall, holding his head. He felt as though he had the entire world on his shoulders, though his violent trembling and hyperventilating didn't help with that fact. He saw Frino sit beside him in the corner of his eye, feeling him gently pat his shoulder. "Please breathe, my lord." Frino said. Rahn nodded, beginning to ever so slightly slow down his breathing. He and his assistant remained there for what felt like hours, Frino speaking again once he was breathing at a roughly normal rate. "If you would like, my lord, we could take a walk outside."

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