Twisted Wonderland Oc

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Theme song:

Name: Andala Miu

First name meaning: Song of the Nightingale

Last name meaning: Beautiful Feather

Nickname: Andy or Annie, Little or Dainty Bird or Nightingale (by fae beings or others), My Nightingale (by Malleus)

Birthday: August 24

Age: 17 - 20 (during her stay at NRC)

Height: 5'0

Weight: 100

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight/Heterosexual

Hometown: Tokyo (Former)

Love Interest/Crush: Malleus Draconia

Family: Mother (Deceased, committed suicide)

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Family: Mother (Deceased, committed suicide)

Father (Unknown, left when she was 7)

Twin baby brother and sister (Unknown, the father took them with him when he left)

Multiple unnamed relatives (Disowned)

Dire Crowley ((Maternal adopted father figure))

Divus Crewel (Uncle Figure)

Mozus Trein (Grandfather Figure)

Friends: Almost everyone ^^;

People they don't get along: Sebek Zigvolt (he's such a jerk 😒))

Grade: Freshman

Looks: Long wavy pure white hair tied in a ponytail, bright aquamarine eyes, pale skin.
((Look at the pictures above))

A scar of a horrific bite mark on the left arm from the creatures that bit her when she was 6 and five claw marks on her back from the lightning cat creature when she was 13.

Regular wear:

Even wears a cross on the picture up the top, and still wears the cross with her other outfit

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Even wears a cross on the picture up the top, and still wears the cross with her other outfit.

Dorm uniform:

School uniform:

Personality: Somewhat meek, shy, as well extremely quiet, and distant, but despite this Andy tends to become attached to others quickly, particularly those who show her kindness

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Personality: Somewhat meek, shy, as well extremely quiet, and distant, but despite this Andy tends to become attached to others quickly, particularly those who show her kindness. This exterior, however, belies a kind and courageous interior willing to go above and beyond in helping others, even at her own expense, showing her caring, loving, gentle and a little bit of fun side. However Andy greatly fears of being abandoned by those she cares, like her relatives back at her world, believing that Andy will be 'tossed aside' and forgotten.

What dorm do they belong to?: Ramshackle

Other: Andy was born as a gift of 'Sight' meaning she can see things no human can, like see invisible creatures or such.

She is also born as a Sleigh Beggy, human born fae, meaning Andy is born human with very powerful fairy like magic unlike any other and many creatures both the good and the bad are drawn to her, making her a target of those with ill hearts that want her power and use her.

This is a curse more then a blessing for not only bringing her ill luck, this unstable power is also slowly killing her if she uses too much or too little due to her human body, it can't handle that much power and it's breaking her even is she's not using magic.

Dire Crowley as well as the teachers knew of her heinous condition and have to keep a close eye on her, not only for her health and keeping her alive but as well of other people around her. Giving her special teachings they carefully teaches her of controlling of her magic and hopefully find a way to keep her alive longer...

No student in the school knows of how life threatening of Andy's condition truly is, exempt Lilia Vanrouge, as some, mostly half, of the students became jealous of Andy for taking some private lessons with the teachers.

Suffers PTSD and nightmares from the neglect of relatives, her mother tried to strangle her to death before suicide and the fear of thunderstorms due to her encounter with a dangerous lightning creature on her way back to her relatives home from school one day.

She doesn't remembers the happy times of her childhood after her father and twin siblings disappears.

Familiar yes or not?: Has one

Familiar yes or not?: Has one

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Name: Ametrine the Aleum

Nickname: Ammy

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown but claims she is a young adult

Personality: Gentle, kind, curious, mostly very quiet to strangers unless they befriended her, protective of her human she is 'bonded' to.

Favorite: Chocolates ((Strangely hates pure dark chocolate though... claims it's too bitter and tastes like dirt)), watching the leaves changing colors, Seasonal Tea flavors, hot lemon/honey tea, reading, singing, listening to music, seeing her human happy.

Powers: Chlorokinesis, holy magic, invisibility, has the ability to teleport but only her and her human.

Weaknesses: Fire magic, dark magic, using too much magic

Background: Ammy species are called Aleum, they are very gentle butterfly, dragon fairy species. Her kind have special powers when they reach adult hood they will since their human or 'chosen one' they are destined to be with forming a special bond as their familiar, making them read their emotions as well since when their human are in pain, causing the Aleum to protect them with their very life.

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