My night and shining armour

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Raegan finally asked me out ofcourse i said yes but also hesitated and told him but why would you want me im a traumatized 15 Year old pregnant girl he said because your heart is gold your beauty is pure your personality is Fire your my princess i said your my prins he kissed me and from there on my life was amazing eight months later i gave birth i wanted to do natrual birth they were serten it was one baby until my final ultrasound they said its twins twins i looked shockingly they said we will have to do a emergency C-section i told Raegan and he said its ok you will be fine . It was 8Am on Tuesday  15th 2022 and the twins were born 8Pm on tuesday 15th they were One boy we named him Reese and One girl Called Regina named both after my mom my mom Was Regina Reese Harbour and a couple of weeks after Raegan asked me to marry him i said yes even tho im only sixteen ...

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