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Quackity yawned, realizing he'd accidentally fallen asleep. Looking to his left, he saw Wilbur sleeping peacefully with an arm on his chest where Quackity's head had been. Quackity felt butterflies in his stomach, smiling as he watched Wilbur wake up. He looked so adorable when he was tired.

"Hello Quackity," Wilbur's voice was deeper than normal, "Did you sleep well?"

Quackity nodded, "Did you wake up because I moved my head? I'm sorry."

Wilbur shook his head, "It's alright Ducky, we shouldn't have fallen asleep in the first place. Let's go see if Dream revived Tommy."

Quackity blushed at Wilbur's nickname for him, did Quackity need one for Wilbur too? "Yeah, let's go see!" He replied, getting up from the small bed.

The two walked back to where they'd seen Dream, but to their surprise, he was gone- and so was Tommy. Wilbur suggested checking Techno's house, so they headed there next. Apon arrival, Techno answered the door with Micheal clinging to his leg.

"Can I help you with something?" Techno asked, holding the door.

"We're looking for Dream, we want to know if he managed to revive Tommy." Wilbur answered, smiling at Micheal. Micheal smiled back.

"I'm afraid Dream didn't bother helping Tommy. Tubbo and Ranboo told me they were going to attend Tommy's funeral. So of course, they left their child with me. Again. I don't like children very much." Techno answered, looking at Micheal with a tired expression. These were the most words Quackity had heard from Techno in quite a while.

"So, wheres the funeral?" Quackity asked, glancing at Wilbur- who was looking down at the ground. He was probably missing his brother. Quackity felt a pang of guilt in his chest, knowing he was responsible for Wilbur's sadness.

"The funeral is next to where L'manberg used to be. I think Tommy said he wanted to be buried there." Technoblade answered in his usual, monotone voice. It was oddly calming. Maybe that's why Micheal liked him so much. Quackity had heard from Tubbo that Micheal used to hate Techno, but he didn't beleive that now.

"Thanks Techno, good luck with the piglin." Wilbur nudged Quackity, pulling him from his thoughts.

I guess it's funeral time, baby.

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