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Quackity woke up with his face buried in Wilbur's chest, and his arms around Wilbur's torso. Quackity smiled, deciding not to move until Wilbur woke up. Much to his surprise, Wilbur had the same idea.

"Good morning, Ducky my love," Wilbur spoke softly, "Did you sleep well?"

Quackity lifted his head off of Wilbur's chest, looking into his eyes. "How long have you been awake?" He asked, yawning afterwards. Wilbur chuckled, replying suspensefuly, "You don't need to know."

As the two got out of bed, Quackity realized they hadnt eaten in quite a while. "Wilbur, can we go get some food? I don't have any on me." Quackity asked, the sleep still lingering in his voice. Wilbur nodded, then headed towards the door. Quackity followed him, and they eventually found themselves at Bad and Skeppy's mansion.

"I hope they're here, I've been meaning to talk with Skeppy for a while." Wilbur said, knocking at the door. A few moments later, the door swung open, and on the other side, was Skeppy.

"Oh hi Quackity. Hi Wilbur." Skeppy waved, but didn't sound very pleased. Wilbur smiled, "Hi Skeppy. Do you mind us staying for some sort of tea? I would like to talk to you about somthing."

Quackity didn't know what Wilbur wanted to talk to Skeppy about, but he didn't care, as long as he got to eat. Luckily, Skeppy let them in, and led them into some sort of lounge room.

Skeppy motioned for them to sit down, so Wilbur and Quackity sat beside each other on the long couch. "Bad! Get your butt down here, or I'll swear! Loud!" Skeppy yelled, giggling after he threatened BadBoyHalo.

"So, are you two dating?" Quackity asked Skeppy, curious to know the truth. Skeppy raised his eyebrows, turning his head towards Quackity. "No, but I wish we were. I'll pay you ten gapples to shut the fuck up, too." He answered, whispering in a harsh tone.

"I heard a language word!" Bad suddenly appeared in the room. He must've walked in while Skeppy was whispering. Worried out of his mind, Skeppy made frantic scared noises as he tried to come up with an excuse for what he'd just said.

"How long were you standing here for!? What did you hear?" Skeppy questioned, panic in his voice. Bad flinched at the hostility in Skeppy's voice, "I was here long enough to know that you SAID A LANGUAGE WORD!"

"I'm SORRY!" Skeppy yelled, thankful that Bad hadn't heard everything. The two turned to Wilbur and Quackity, who had been watching awkwardly.

"Sorry about that," Bad apologized, taking a seat in the second long couch, "Skeppy gets a little loud sometimes."

Skeppy and Quackity snorted, trying not to laugh at Bad's horrible choice of words. Wilbur just smirked, giving Skeppy an amused look.

"I'll go get some snacks." Skeppy said, walking out of the room. As soon as Skeppy was gone and out of earshot, Bad sat down with a worried expression.

"I'm think going to ask Skeppy to be my boyfriend, but I don't know how. Can you guys help?" Bad asked quietly, his eyes full of love and desperation. Somthing Quackity had seen in Wilbur's eyes a few times.

Wilbur nodded enthusiastically, "I'd love to help you ask him, lets start with the easy things. Did you get a ring, and will you get a ring?" He asked.

"I did get one, actually. I don't know if you're supposed to for this kind of thing, but I did anyways. Do you wanna see it?" Bad asked, fishing a small box out of his pocket.

"Damn, you carry that around all day?" Quackity asked. Bad chuckled, "I want to ask him today, that's why I have it." He spoke, opening the box to reveal a shiny diamond ring.

"I'm sure he'll love it, seeing as he is a diamond himself. Unless that's some sort of cannibalism." Wilbur said, shrugging off the last sentence. Bad hurriedly put the ring away, right as Skeppy came back into the room.

"I brought blueberry muffins." Skeppy stated, putting a handful of muffins on a small, round, coffee table. BadBoyHalo grabbed one immediately, thanking Skeppy as he ate it in two bites.

"Skeppy, do you mind if I had a word with you?" Wilbur asked, looking towards Quackity, "In private?"

"Sure." Skeppy answered, then the two headed out of the room, leaving Quackity and Bad alone.

"So, I know when we're alone together I usually end up doing something annoying, but I promise I'll actually help you this time." Quackity chuckles at the things he's said to Bad over the years, "So you're gonna get down on one knee, pull out the ring, and ask him to be your boyfriend. Simple, right?" Quackity, as it turns out, was really bad at this. Bad decided it wasn't such a bad plan, though.

"I'll do that, thanks Quackity! You're a good friend!"

If Bad knew that I killed Tommy, an innocent child, for absolutely no reason- maybe he'd say something different.

"Hey guys! Sorry we took so long," Skeppy's voice interrupted Quackity's thoughts, "Are the muffins good?"

"They're great, Geppy! They're blue and beautiful, like you!" Bad complimented the diamond boy, catching him off-guard.

"Did you break something and decide to act extra nice so I wouldn't be mad?" Skeppy guessed as Wilbur sat back down next to Quackity.

"I didn't break anything, Geppy. Come here, I wanna see your face. I think there's a peice of muffin on your mouth." Bad wasn't lying, there was indeed a peice of muffin on Skeppy's face.

Shrugging, Skeppy walked over to Bad, who immediately got down on one knee, and pulled the ring out of his pocket. Skeppy raised his eyebrows as Bad opened the box, revealing the shiny, blue diamond ring. "Will you be my boyfriend, Geppy?" Bad asked, his tail twitching with suspense.

Skeppy exploded with happiness as he answered the 'big question' with a grin, "YES!"

Bad smiled, his fangs sticking out cutley. "I love you Geppy!" He squealed, hugging Skeppy as tight as he possibly could. Wilbur and Quackity clapped their hands for them, watching happily as the new couple continued squealing sounds of happiness.

If only he and Wilbur could be happy like this.

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