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Parantap Parashakti is the sequel of Parth Probodhika which had portrayed married life of protagonists from challenging points to cheered ones allowing the gap of chaos in between. In this part protagonists would be shown as struggling at their places being separated from each other. While pacing amidst struggles female protagonist is gonna play the role of guide for her husband's future as the rays of Sun from Sun.

Sun is the source of light, but its rays make us be connected with that source. Sun rays are the bridge in between humans and Sun God. Not only the bridge sun rays are the blessings of Sun God too.

The identity of Sun in Arjun's life and the way Subhadra is gonna grace him as sun rays would be unfolded in future.

Here are some pieces of prequel below to refresh the memories of previous part of this series.

Piece (1)

This piece belonged to the first night of protagonists when they comforted each other about their new journey ahead.

"I have something for you," He broke the hug, and presented her a small box.

She opened the box, and found a simple yet pretty bracelet.

"Parth Probodhika!" She whispered looking at the minute scripting inside the middle stone of that bracelet.

"Parth means me, and Probodhika means peace, my peace, means you. I am happy that the actual gift for you got your attention at first place," He cleared her confusion showering happiness over her.

"Whenever I face any odd you will be my vividness even though my valour will go ahead to face that. I won't let your this importance be lost any day in my life, I promise," He made her wear the bracelet.

"I too will dedicatedly hold this role of mine in your life, I promise," She too exchanged a promise with him.

Piece (2)

This piece belonged to the time when Subhadra dressed up herself in simple clothes to seek Draupadi's affection.

She had changed the silk bridal attire into a simple one. Instead of precious gems there were ordinary adornments over her body. The heavily decked up bride had derived her aura in get up of a commoner.

"Subhi, what's all these? Why is this make over suddenly?" An astonished Arjun asked the least in comparison to the actual weight of questions in his mind.

"I am going to get jyeshtha's affection through submission, and simplicity is suitable to accompany submission towards it's accomplishment," Subhadra explained her intention behind her look.

Arjun pulled Subhadra into a hug being ecstatic. She made him believe that the issue won't last long. Vibes of relaxation made his nerves energetic differently which spark insisted him to do that.

Piece (3)

This piece belonged to the time when protagonists were celebrating their first anniversary which brought them closer to be one with each other as husband and wife.

Lowering her eyelids she permitted him shyly. Without delaying a second he joined his lips to hers to be drown into the saccharine taste of her lips. Devouring her lips he halted to observe her expression. Instead of blush there was a feeling of content over her face.

"I wanna confess something, Arya!" She was struggling with the sensation his lips caused over hers.

"Go ahead, my peace!" Moving fingers over her forehead he was admiring her skin.

"In this one year of post marital courtship my love for you has increased so much. After witnessing you as a dutiful son, a dedicated brother and a loving husband I keep falling for you more and more each day," She pecked on tip of his nose.

"So, you have this tiny reward for your arya by whom you are impressed!" He arched his eyebrows to complain.

She pecked on his cheeks, but couldn't overcome his complaining glare.

"This is how you should reward me," Saying so he showered kisses over her whole face.

Piece (4)

This piece belonged to the time when Arjun revealed about Takshak's revengeful pledge to Subhadra.

"Takshak's pledge has no righteous influence. I won't let him succeed in his revenge allowing people to say that you did injustice with serpents. I am not sure if destiny has plan to support his pledge," She halted, and both exchanged blank glances in between them.

"But his wish of unreasonable revenge won't be fulfilled, I promise. I will stand in protection of our lineage," Subhadra completed her statement ringing her determination in air.

Arjun was beamed with pride over her strength against the sorrow which could have engulfed her, but she didn't let that.

"My father was cured to die if he try to intercourse with his wives. His lineage was supposed to be ended due to that curse, but mata Kunti saved his lineage by getting me and my brothers through the sacred hymn of sage Durbasa. You are going to shoulder the same responsibility," He embraced her pouring his gratitude and love.

Piece (5)

This piece belonged to the morning when the good news of Subhadra's pregnancy was discovered.

"Nakul, please check her. She's not well," Making Nakul forward Arjun urged to him.

"Arya, I am fine. My temperature has increased slightly due to change in weather. Just before two days it had rained heavily and weather was chilled till last night, remember!" She tried to escape from the health check up which she never had liked since childhood.

"Don't ever think to escape. Nakul, you start checking her," Nakul started checking Subhadra after Arjun's strict words.

"Bhrata Arjun, get ready to be busy," Nakul's mischievous smile surprised the couple.

"Is she that much unwell, Nakul?" Arjun's astonishment turned into concern in no time.

"She's pregnant, Bhrata. It has been three months already. You are going to be father," After Nakul's declaration Arjun and Subhadra were looking at each other holding their breaths.

These are some pieces of prequel which I have chosen among the many existing ones.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Is there any favourite part of yours from Parth Probodhika?

(2) Did you recognised these pieces at first place?

(3) What's your guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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