Chishiya In the games

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Chishiya x gender neutral reader

Shika and I met in the games after her first game, she had been the only survivor and had been terrified. Since meeting her we had become good friends, and we helped each other in games.

We had been walking to our next game and I hadn't been watching where I was going, and I fell over. Knocking my glasses off my face in the process, causing them to crack on the pavement.

"Hey are you okay?" Shika franticly asks as she neels down next to me.

"Yeah though my glasses aren't." I sigh picking up the now empty frames.

"Well let's hope you don't have to look at any screens, and you'll be fine." She says patting my back.

We stood up and began to walk again. I can see enough to where I can see items but when it comes to things on the items or screens, like patterns, writing or symbols I'm screwed.

Eventually we got to the jack of hearts game and went inside the building. When we walked in, there were these things on the table that Shika described perfectly.

"Their gonna make us wear collar's," she frowned at the one she had picked up. I laughed at her.

"You look so disappointed, I thought it was your dream to wear a dog collar." Her face looked at me disgusted with the words which I had just said.

"If you don't shut it I'ma give you a concussion." Shika spoke. I just laughed as we put on the collar's.

We had made our way into where all the other players were gathering. Eventually everyone was registered and the rules were stated. Shika and I exchanged a glance as the fact I couldn't tell her what her symbol was.

"I'll go get some one else to say my symbol stay here," Shika whispers then walks off. I got bored of standing up so I slid down the wall behind me and sat with my legs stretched out.

I watched as Shika approached the girl wearing a lolita dress, it looked like the girl already had a group but she did agree to let Shika join their group.

After their little chat the girl in the dress walked around to basically everyone in the room and asked if they wanted to join. She then approached me standing right in front of me she then spoke.

"Would you like to join my group." She then gave one of the most fake smiles I've ever seen.

"No." I responded quite blandly.

"Are you sure? You don't seem to have a partner." She said.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Our eyes made contact for a moment before she walked away.

A dude who was balding was threatening, and then hit a guy to tell him what his symbol was. Then a guy in a blue shirt came up behind the guy and whispered something into his ear.

The guy who had been threatened told the guy a symbol, but from the way he treated him and the whispering of the other dude I'ma bet it was the wrong symbol.

After awhile Shika came back and said, "The group over there told me mine, now I can tell you yours." I then leaned forward so Shika could check my symbol.

"It's a Diamond." She said.

We then walked to the cell rooms where we had to say our symbol's. I walked into a cell and said what Shika had told me.

"Diamond." As I say this I hear what sounds like a mini explosion then a thud as someone hit the ground.

I walked out of the cell, and stood there waiting for Shika to come over. The guy who was balding didn't come back out of the cell so I can assume he died. Shika came over and said.

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