Hyūga vs Hyūga

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"Hey, Sakura," Hiroto said as he stood in the spectator area with the rest of Team 7. The other remaining genin and Chunin Examanees stood around the balcony area, watching the fight between Sasuke and his opponent.

"Who's that?" Hiroto asked her with a blank expression as Sakura blanched at this.

"What are you talking about? That's Sasuke," Sakura said, confused as Hiroto's blank expression became angry.

"No, it's not," he said as Sakura became more confused.

"What do you mean that's not Sasuke?! Of course, that's Sasuke!" Sakura yelled in typical fangirl fashion.

"No. The Sasuke I know isn't this pathetic," Hiroto said, glancing briefly at Sakura, who backed away from his gaze as she looked back at Sasuke worriedly.

Hiroto could see Sasuke was totally on the defensive and utterly helpless against his opponent.

"So, who is that? Cause there's no way that's Sasuke," Hiroto growled.

"B-B-But...," Sakura tried to say before Hiroto shouted over her.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING SASUKE?!" Hiroto yelled out as Sasuke's eyes widened from the arena. The fighting stopped, and people in the stands looked towards Hiroto, who was angry.

"ARE YOU GOING TO LOSE AGAINST SOMEONE AS PATHETIC AS HIM? SHOW ME HOW STRONG YOU ARE!" Hiroto yelled angrily as Sasuke's eyes flashed the Sharingan with determination before it disappeared as Sasuke got serious.

"You there! Stop interrupting the match!" Genma called out as Hiroto stood back and crossed his arms.

Sasuke then proceeded to win his match, but suspiciously, he didn't use his Sharingan throughout the match. Hiroto narrowed his eyes at this in suspicion since, before the exams, Sasuke constantly flashed his Sharingan in a fight.

Zaku Abumi and Shino Aburame were next, and Hiroto had little to no reaction to the match, even as Zaku's arms exploded after being warned not to try and use his jutsu since Shino had filled the holes in his hands with bugs.

Then there was Misumi Tsurugi against Kankurō of the Hidden Sand, and Hiroto thought that the puppets Kankurō used were a neat trick, but if it came down to it, Hiroto was pretty sure he could destroy the puppets.

Next was the most embarrassing fight between Sakura and Ino. Not only were the two of them terrible at fighting, but they used nothing except basic Academy taijutsu and ninjutsu since that was all they knew. Hiroto groaned, facepalming at the secondhand embarrassment he felt from how weak these two were and how bad of a showing they were putting out for Konoha's kunoichi.

Hiroto at least thought Ino would have been good since she came from a prominent ninja clan, but he was wrong; despite Ino's one-up on Sakura with her clan techniques, she still couldn't beat Sakura, and the match ended in a draw.

'God, those two are terrible,' Hiroto thought to himself.

Up next was Temari and Tenten. In Hiroto's opinion, this was the worst match-up Tenten could have gotten since Temari used wind style with the fan on her back to make large and powerful gusts of wind, negating all of Tenten's weapon-throwing attacks. And unfortunately for Tenten, throwing weapons was all she could do.

Temari beat her most ruthlessly, using her wind style to cut her up while suspended in the air and then letting Tenten fall on her fan on her back.

Temari beat her most ruthlessly, using her wind style to cut her up while suspended in the air and then letting Tenten fall on her fan on her back

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