You are the Nine-Tailed Fox!

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(Ok, so I know there is probably a lot of fanfiction like this, but I promise you this one is different! My character is not going to be like others of similar fanfiction)

On the night of October 10th, outside the village, Kushina is giving birth to Naruto when the midwife shocks Minato and Kushina.

"Wait, there's another one. Push, Kushina." the midwife says as Kushina gives another push and another baby emerges. This baby doesn't have yellow hair like his brother; his hair is red like Kushina's. The baby cried as he entered this cruel, unforgiving world as the midwife presented the couple with the baby.

"Hiroto," Kushina said, smiling happily that she had given birth to twins.

A masked man then appeared before them in a blur holding Naruto hostage as the midwife holding Hiroto backed away, fearing the masked man would harm Hiroto. The man demanded that Minato hand over Kushina, who was struggling to contain the Nine-Tails. When Minato hesitated, the man attached a paper bomb to Naruto's blanket before throwing him as Minto appeared, catching Naruto and throwing the blanket off him in time to teleport back to his house and place Naruto in his crib. Minato quickly returned to where he left Kushina to find that she was gone and the midwife dead as Hiroto cried in her arms. Minato grabbed Hiroto and teleported back to his house, placing him in the crib with Naruto as he left to fight.

After saving Kushina, he teleported her back to the twins before leaving again to fight the rampaging Nine-Tails. Kushina weakly left the house and went to help Minato with the Nine-Tails by using her chakra chains to contain the demon. Having no choice, Minato brought Hiroto and Naruto to the sealing area and sealed half of the Nine-Tails inside each of them. Unfortunately, Minato and Kushina died, leaving Naruto and Hiroto orphans.

But what they didn't know or perhaps didn't realize was that Minato, in his rush to seal the other half of the Nine-Tails, had accidentally tied the Nine-Tails spirit to that of Hiroto's melding the two. Now, with the chakra and spirit of the Nine-Tails melding with Hiroto's own spirit and chakra, how will this world's fate be changed?

~(12 Years Later)~

Over the last twelve years, Naruto and Hiroto had it rough. The villagers hated and shunned them, and they were treated terribly, having to live independently from age six and not having any friends or family. Naruto became loud, obnoxious, energetic, exuberant, and unorthodox and often pulled pranks and performed badly to get any form of attention, even if it was bad.

But for Hiroto, things were much worse. Not only did the villagers hate and shun him, but they would also beat him occasionally. Cutting and scaring the child, Hiroto grew up cold and angry at the villagers for how they treated him. And in turn, he grew to dislike everyone around him as he distanced and cut himself off from everyone. He believed he could survive in this world independently and didn't need anyone's help.

And despite being brothers, Hiroto hardly looked like Naruto. For starters, his hair had become reddish orange with some black highlights, and although it was spikey like Naruto's, his hair laid down more as bangs split at his forehead to frame his face. Hiroto also did not possess Naruto's blue eyes; instead, his were red. The only feature they truly shared was their whisker marks, but even those were different. While Naruto's whiskers were light and thin, Hiroto's were dark and jagged like a wild animal. 


Sitting at the back of the class with a frown on his face, Hiroto watches as Iruka scolds a tied-up Naruto sitting on the floor in front of Iruka. Naruto had painted the Hokage faces that morning and ended up being caught by Iruka and dragged back to class.

Hiroto scoffs as he turns to look out the window. Hiroto, unlike his brother, didn't wear any kind of flashy clothing. Instead, he chose to wear a reddish-orange kimono top with a black skin-tight sleeveless shirt underneath as the shirt covered everything from his neck to his waist, leaving his arms bare. His pants were black pants with his shuriken holster on his right leg, and he wore black ninja shoes. His kimono top was a bit loose on him showing his shirt beneath.

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