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Gabriel had been gone for a few days now.
"Gabriel's duties must be really important" you thought to yourself, "so important he can't even spare some time to visit me in
the evenings". You were really curious...What was he doing?

You knew damn well what he was doing or at least you had an idea.
He was some kind of powerful supernatural being that had some sort of a connection to the alternates.
What did alternates do?

Drive people into suicide.

Did Gabriel do that?

Or did he just straight up kill them?

But killing people couldn't take up that much time, could it??

Or...was he leading them?

You had no idea of the specifics, but you were sure it wasn't good.
You were so nervous, you needed to know what was up with him.
You loved him, you wanted to know as much as you could about him.

Gabriel had served you, protected you, he had done everything for you, he had loved you, he had made you feel like you had worth, he made you feel like you had some sort of purpose.
It wouldn't be good to go outside after he told you not to, after all he had done for you.
But you HAD to know!!
If he loved you so much , then for sure he considers you a partner of some sort and he would want you be in a relationship with him!
So as his future partner you had the right to know what he was up to.
Your decision was final. You were going to go outside and find Gabriel.

Still, there were alternates outside so you had to be extra careful to stay out of sight.
Gabriel had some sort of control over these things, or he just had some sort of ability to sense if you are in danger.
He did say he was your guardian Angel after all.

You headed over to your cupboard to put on some warmer clothes and searched for some snacks to take with you.
Despite changing into warmer clothes it seemed awfully cold in the room.
Just as you were about to pick up the snacks, you felt two arms wrap around you.
Gabriel has returned!
"I have returned, my darling" he purred into your ear. As you turned around, you could see the displeased look on his face. "You weren't thinking about going outside, were you?" He asked. You shook your head.
"Are you sure?" he stated, looking at your choice of clothes. "I promise it's for your safety, my dove.
Being untruthful to an archangel is a sin, you know.
I do not wish to doubt you, but you aren't making it easy for me, lovely."

You went completely stiff-It was if he could read every thought that passed trough your mind.
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to go outside??
You were ripped from your thoughts as Gabriel patted your head and picked you up, spinning in circles with a big, genuine smile on his face.
While twirling you around, he sang a beautiful song. You assumed it was some sort of old love song.
Listening to his beautiful voice made you sleepy, so you let out a big yawn.
Gabriel stopped singing and looked at you in shock.
"Oh my! You must be tired my love, it's already rather late. You should sleep now, if you don't want to be tired by sunrise."
Without waiting for a response he carried you to your bed at the speed of light, lovingly laid you on your bed and tucked the blanket around you.
He then moved some pillows aside to make space for himself and laid down beside you.
While singing a lullaby for you he softly caressed your cheeks. His cold hands sent shivers trough your body. You slowly started to drift off to sleep, comforted by the "angels" presence. But as you were about to fall asleep Gabriel shot up in shock.
"I'm sorry my love, I must depart, this is urgent" he said with haste, as if someone had just called him and told him that his house just exploded.
You wanted to ask him what was wrong, but he just disappeared into thin air.

Now you just had more questions.

Now you definitely needed to know what he was doing.

Since you were tired, you decided that tomorrow you would go outside and figure out what was going on with Gabriel and what he truly is.

Alt.Gabriel x Reader "My little Snowflake"Where stories live. Discover now