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EXODUS (The Outcome) (Lines 1223-1531)


The final section opens with a scene in which a messenger narrates the horrible events that have occurred inside the palace. In an emotionally charged speech, he describes Jocasta’s outburst as she wanders through the palace madly until committing suicide. Meanwhile, Oedipus is furious at both himself and Jocasta. He seeks her out in order to kill her and on entering the palace discovers she has hanged herself. At the sight of her, he breaks down and weeps. Then in a fit of self-flagellation, Oedipus takes the gold brooches from her robes and pierces his eyes with them.

Following this narration, a blind Oedipus comes out and sings a long ‘kommos’ with the chorus. The chorus moans Oedipus’ misfortune, empathizing with his pain and sorrow. Oedipus wishes that he had died in infancy. He surveys the past events and concludes that he does not even deserve the mercy of gods.

This is followed by the last scene, in which Creon arrives on the stage. Oedipus’ passion turns to shame before the man he has wronged. Oedipus appeals to Creon to banish him from the kingdom immediately and to give Jocasta a formal funeral, as Creon is the new king. Creon refuses to take any decision without consulting the oracle. He summons Oedipus’ daughters who are led on stage. Oedipus laments their fate and prays for their future that they may have a happier life than his but is concerned that their incestuous births may bring shame and rejection. He implores Creon to take care of them and then attempts to embrace them.

Finally the act ends, when Oedipus is ordered into the palace and Creon tells him that he should not be master in everything, “for the things you mastered did not follow you through your life.” The scene ends with a last Stasimon lamenting Oedipus’ fate in verse.

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