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Anastasius P.O.V.

Being sent into my body when my brother, Claude, stabbed me was unpleasant.

"Claude?" I asked hoping we were sent to this point of time at the same time. 

"Anastasius?" Claude said with surprise before looking down and paling at his sword in my chest. "Sorry."

"No problem," I said before backing away from him and using one of the boons the entity gave us to not only heal myself but force Aeternitas to leave my body. 

"YOU BRATS!" Aeternitas yelled out staring down at us. "I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU BOTH REGRET EVER BEING BORN!"

"No, you are not," I said before looking toward my younger brother. "Because it's time for you to leave this world once and for all."

Both Claude and I combined our mana/magic together, which resulted in the throne being partly destroyed along with Aeternitas gone and never darkening the Imperial family and descendants again. 

"Ahhh!!" A scream brought us back to see Penelope Judith standing there looking at the two brothers, and as she turned to leave, I saw Claude use one of his boons on her to force the black mana/magic that was inhabiting inside her to leave. We both just stood there as she ran away from us, and neither of us was brought to care one bit. 

"So?" I started turning towards Claude. "What now?

"Possibly, your imprisonment?" He questioned while shrugging his shoulders while looking at me with sadness. "I only planned to remove you from the throne alive or dead, mostly dead, before the new us took over." 

"Hmm, I guess, I could just step down and allow you to have the throne," I said sighing at the fact that Claude was a better emperor than me, while Ambrose was better than the both of us. "I'll just admit that I was processed by an evil dark spirit that wanted to destroy the empire, and was able to get the spirit out with the help of my brother who saw the sign of changes to my personality."

"That could work," Claude said before smiling a smile that I did not like, and before I knew it I saw a fist and darkness.

Claude's P.O.V.

Going back in time, to the time when I had my sword in my brother's chest scared me, and I almost thought that I was going to lose my brother once more. However, Anastasius used one of his boons to heal himself and force our dark spirit ancestor out of his body, and we combining I our mana/magic to be rid of him once more. 

Seeing Penelope Judith made me want to kill her and that thing (Jennette) that she has in her womb, but instead I want her to suffer instead so I used one of my boons just as she was running away to remove the black mana/magic that was inside of that thing. 

'Now that thing won't come to me saying that she's part of the imperial family,' I thought remembering how I fell to her tricks and getting my real daughter killed and my son's hatred towards me and the empire. 'For that thing will not have jeweled when it's finally born, and Penelope will live from birthing it." 

Anastasius and I talked about what to do now and came to an agreement. I then had the urge that had in our last life come back to me, and given in and punched him as hard as I could which left him unconscious. 

Unknown P.O.V.


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