An Overdued Talk

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No-One's P.O.V.

After Claude and Anastasius stopped laughing they asked the entity what was wrong with the balance.

"I can not explain at this moment," The entity said closing their eyes. "All I know is the disturbance happened around the time when you took out Aeternitas, so we are searching for how it happened and what it is."

"I see," Anastasius said with wonder. "Will you inform us once you find out?"

"Yes," The entity said. "As for the twins, it was decided that they would be in each other's bodies until they are about two or three years old."

"Are we going to talk to them about the world's balance?" Claude asked with worry. "Or are we going to wait until they are older?"

"I say wait until they're older," Anastasisus said before looking toward the entity for confirmation.

"It's up to you two really," The entity said shrugging their shoulders. "Either way they will be told since they may end up being involved in the future."

The entity didn't give the two brothers any time to talk more to him before leaving to investigate the issue with the world's balance. 


Ambrose's P.O.V.

I can feel my eye twitch when father took both Athanasia and me to his office after telling our mother to take it easy for the rest of the day, and when we arrived at the said office we saw our uncle sitting behind the desk looking at us a huge smile that got on my nerves.

"Hello, Athanasia," Anastasius said to Athanasia who was in my body before turning towards me with a small laugh. "And hello to you too, Ambrose."

Then I heard both father and uncle laugh at the same time much to Athanasia's and my displeasure, and I wanted nothing more than to be in my original body to get back at these two. When they were done laughing, they had nothing but smiles on their faces which is considered weird already hearing them laugh since I never witnessed either laughing in my first life.

"Sorry, Ambrose," Anastasius said still smiling. "I couldn't help but laugh at your situation since the last time we met was when I was being executed ten years after my trial. However, we both wish to apologize for the treatment and grief that you both suffered from us in our first life." 

"As well as, both Anastasisus and I," Father (Claude) said and both of them stopped smiling. "Decided to explain everything after we both died, so blink once for yes, twice for no, three for both, and four for 'I don't know'. Do you both understand us?"

Both of us (Athanasia and I) blinked once.

"Okay then," Father said before nodding toward Anastasisus. "Let us begin with what happened after Anastasisus and I died."

"Which we would begin with after I died," Anastasisus began. "I had my first meeting with an unknown entity, which had told me to wait, and wait that I did your father came and the unknown entity told us he had an offer for us. That offer gave us a second chance to make our future better than it originally ended. The entity gave us both three boons for our use whenever we needed them."

"The both of us we sent back when we fought for the throne," Father explained next. "I had just stabbed through Anastasius with my sword when we came back, and Anastasisus used his first boon to not only get rid of Aeternitas that was the main cause of yours; I mean our misery, but also healed himself after pulling himself off my sword."

"Soon enough we combined our mana/magic to get rid of Aeternitas for good," Anastasisus said. "Not long later, Penelope Judith came and saw us, screamed, and ran away."

"But not before I used my boon to rid the black magic within her baby that she was carrying," Father said looking towards Anastasisus who looked sheepish almost forgetting about that fact. "With the black magic removed from that baby, we won't be having Jennette come to the palace claiming to be an Oblian princess, and not only that but Penelope was placed under house arrest at Judith Manor for the rest of her life unable to even seen or have any contact with her daughter."

"If you two want we could always have Jennette come over to visit?" Anastasisus asked smiling wickedly. "This way you two can show her that she'll never be part of the royal family no matter how much she tries to fit in."

I blinked twice, for I didn't want to see that girl for as long as possible, but of course, Athanasia blinked her eyes once. Not that I  blame her since Jennette had made sure that Athanasia was never part of the royal family after being presented to our father.

Once our talk was over Athanasia and I were back in our cribs in the Diamond Palace with our mother who had come to retrieve us after dinner. Even though we knew our parents would meet every hour to spend time with each other. 

A/N: Sorry for the late update, I was brainstorming ideas for future chapters, and some ideas got mixed with future story plots. 

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