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"Entity speaking"
'Entity through mind link'

~1 Year and 9 months~

Ambrose's P.O.V.

After dying in my first life, I was given a second life one that happened to be a mission Death himself asked me to complete for the sake of that world (AN: Crossover alert - may be in a different story that I'm soon-to-be writing, but would maybe be a one-shot story). After my death in that world, Balance told me that they (the entities) agreed to have me sent back to my first life but it would be different than what happened in my first life. Balance explained that they had sent my father and uncle back to said life to change Obelia's fate, however, they never told them they would be sending Athanasia and me back as well when we would be six months old.

'But why the hell did they end up mixing up the sexes,' I thought irritated at my situation. 'I ended up in Athanasia's body and she is my body.'

'Brother is that you?' Athanasia asked through a mind link gifted to us by the entities. 

'Athy, it's good to hear you again,' I thought back happy but still irritated. 

'Me too, and what do you mean you are in my body, and I'm in yours?' She asked.

'Because one, someone called me by your name,' I said through our link embarrassed. 'And two, I don't feel a certain male part when my baby body goes bathroom.'

'Oh?' Athanasia thought. 'Oh, that's why I feel something strange, I just ignored it thinking it may be my diaper that caused that strangeness.'

'Nope,' I thought back. 'Those entities better switch us back before we are potty trained.' 

'Don't worry we will,' One of the entities said through their mind link, causing them to be startled by their presence.

'Then why are we not in our proper bodies?' I asked.

'Because there was a mix-up when we transferred your souls into said bodies,' The entity said trying to hold their laughter in which was irritating me even more. 

'What type of mix?' I asked glaring at nothing but the ceiling above.

'The type where one of your parents decided to put you, Ambrose, in a dress,' The entity said laughing, and Athanasia started laughing as well. 'All the while the other parent with their sibling standing by the side laughing.'

I was too much in shock to say anything about it, and Athanasia had to speak in my place and get the entity to tell them when they would be back into the original bodies. The entity told her that we would be back in our original bodies in a few years due to a problem that came up that needs their attention more than our situation does. 

'WHY?!!!' I yelled through the mind link causing both entity and my sister to wince at the volume.

'Well, let us just say you can blame your father and uncle for it.' The entity said before disappearing. 

I couldn't but start wailing like the baby that I was, mostly because I started thinking about what the entity said prior. 

"Ah, Athanasia sweety.' A female voice said with worry came in and pick him/her up in comfort. "It's okay, my dear daughter, you must have had a bad dream or something."

Our mother, Diana, is alive in this life, and I'm quite happy about it. She held me all the while soothing my twin, who also started to cry seeing mother, alive and well.

'So that's what the entity meant when one parent put you in a dress while the other watched and laughed.' Athanasia said through our link still crying at finally seeing our mother for the first time. 'Our mother is alive this time, and our father and uncle are alive and sane.'

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