- ☆ the snow could never glisten as bright as you shine ☆ -

428 12 51

- Fluff -

- 2053 words -


-☆ text messages ☆-

-  1:24 PM -

Jake: Hailey

Jake: Hailey

Hailey: what's up?

Jake: You wanna come over??
Jake: Since it's a snow day and all

Jake: We could like build a snowman or something I don't know 😭

Hailey: yeah sure !

Hailey: like right now or..?

Jake: I mean right now would be best but whatever time works for you! :)

Hailey: alright, i'll be over in about fifteen minutes :)

Jake: Sweet :D


The second after receiving his last text, Hailey set down her phone and began to get dressed. Putting on her snow coat and boots, she thought about what the course of their day could look like. Perhaps they would go sledding, or have a snowball fight, or maybe they would lay down in the bright white snow, trying to look up at the sky only to be blinded by those intricate little white particles known as snowflakes as they fell, somehow landing perfectly in between their eyelids.

The ocean-blue-haired girl walked out the door of her bedroom, and descended the stairs down into the living room. As she walked through, her younger step-brother noticed, and asked,

"Where are you off to?"

"Jake's house." She responded.

The lavender-eyed man raised an eyebrow at her response.

"And why are you going over there exactly..?"

"We're just hanging out, Zander, Jesus! Stop interrogating me like you're my father."

Zander rolled his eyes and sighed. "All right, whatever. Have fun." He said with a smile.

And with that, Hailey was out the front door. She opened up the garage and found her bike. The bike hadn't been used for months as she didn't like to ride in the cold, icy weather, but today she was willing to make an exception.

When it was originally bought, the bike was a shocking, electric, bold bright blue color, but after years of usage, the paint had chipped and faded into a dull denim-blue.

Hailey knew she had to ride slowly and carefully, as the bike could easily slip, slide, and fall on the ice, taking her down with it.

Soon enough, after traveling through a ridiculous amount of snow, she made it to Jake's house.

After propping up the bike against a wall, she gently knocked on the door.

When the door was opened, she saw the eyes of her favorite strawberry-blonde haired boy staring right at her. He wore a casual and comfortable t-shirt and shorts, presumably what he had worn to bed the night before.

"Hailey!" He said, with a bright smile on his face. "Hi!"

"Hey Jake." Hailey responded, with a smile equal in brightness to his. "It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too. Come in, come in, make yourself at home."

She kicked the snow off of her boots and stepped through the door, entering what, to the typical human eye, looked like your standard American household. She had only been to his house a few times before, most of the time the reason being working on song lyrics, or perhaps studying for a test, something along those lines; but the place already felt like home.

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