-★ loving you hurts. ★-

224 8 15

A/N: oh my god I finally finished this fic. ive been pressuring myself to do it ever since like OCTOBER LMAO 😭😭 hope u like my writing style slightly changing every eight paragraphs

Type: Angst, Fluff

Word count: 4536

Falling in love with your best friend is like being hung between heaven and hell.

Especially when he jokingly flirts with you, and even as a friend, treats you better than any other man ever could. And especially when he likes someone else.

This was the case for Hailey. She loved Jake. So, so much. Despite their... history, she always admired him in a way. Maybe it was when they spoke for the first time in freshman year, where he hadn't seemed like that bad of a guy, that made her believe there was always a little bit of good in him. And when they had gotten close, her life had changed, and she couldn't tell if it was for the better or for the worse.

They bonded over that month, and he cared for her so much, even just as a friend. He was always there for her, making sure she was okay in tense situations was his top priority.

And the way he would jokingly flirt with her... when he realized she was super easy to fluster, he made it his mission to do so at every chance he got.

It was easy to fall in love with a person like Jake. He was attractive, funny, talented, and caring. Everyone wanted him; that was her crime.

She would always think about him. It hurt. Constantly. She found herself often in the middle of a cold shower, both to numb the pain and wake herself up back into reality. Or hot showers, or soaking in the sea. Anything with water, really, had always been comforting to her.

She knew, and she always thought about, how he didn't like her like she liked him; he liked someone else. And even if he didn't, out of the eight billion people on this earth, there was no way he'd choose her.

Hailey's heart belonged to Jake.

She was his, but he wasn't hers.


It was an average Friday morning. Nothing special, the general buzz of gossip, complaints, and any other background noise you'd hear at a public school was present.

Jake found a strange vial of bright pink liquid in his locker.

He didn't know what it was or where it came from, or how it would change everything.

Upon further inspection, there was tape stuck into the bottle to seemingly create a label, though it was blurred out, all he could make out were a few letters.

He opened the bottle and smelt the inside. Roses.

It didn't appear to be too toxic...

No, it definitely did. Perhaps someone had intentionally placed it there, for him to drink. Poison, maybe. Or just a regular beverage. Either way, that didn't stop Jake from drinking it without a thought.

He only took about half the bottle. Sure, it could've killed him had it been something bad, but at least it tasted good. Was that pomegranate?

Just as he was processing the taste, he heard a familiar voice.


He turned his head, and he saw her. And then it just... clicked.

He walked up to her, and before she could speak, he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug, sighing softly.

"Hey- what's up?" She chuckled, confused by the sudden affection.

"I love you." He said bluntly.

"You... what?" She whispered, her face turning red.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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