Chapter 7

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Silverkit's POV:

After Clearlight finished his amazing story, Silverkit scampered back into the main clearing with Flowerkit following. Honeykit and Mistkit trotted after her. "Wow! I can't believe Clearlight did so many cool things when he was younger! And Waterfly sounds like such an awesome cat! Her water powers sound wicked!" Mistkit was saying to Honeykit.

Flowerkit scoffed and turned to Mistkit and Honeykit, "Water powers? What about Skystar's earth powers? They were better."

Honeykit shook her head, "I think Clearlight's powers are the best. He can change into any animal he wants! He could turn into a badger and stomp on his enemies!"

"You're all wrong." Silverkit flicked her tail. "I think Silverstar's powers are the best. Her silver armour makes her invincible and her wind powers can make her fly." Silverkit stared thoughtfully up at the sky. Was Silverstar watching her right now? "Now that I think about it..." Silverkit looked back at Honeykit and Mistkit. "Silverstar would've looked so cool with wings!"

Honeykit trotted to Silverkit's side, "You only like Silverstar because your named after her."

"Not true!" Silverkit paused. "-I mean.. partially true... But I also like her because she really is awesome!"

"I guess." Honeykit shrugged. "I still like Clearlight."

"And I like Skystar!" Flowerkit piped up as she bounded to Silverkit's other side.

Mistkit giggled, "Waterfly is still super awesome."

"Whatever you say." Honeykit chuckled. "But in battle, Clearlight would always win."

Silverkit stopped and suggested, "Why don't we play rabbit?"

"Yeah!" Flowerkit squealed.

"I'll go fetch the others!" Mistkit scampered into the nursery and within seconds, she came racing back out with all the kits following her. Redkit and Nightkit pounced on Mistkit and Honeykit and the four litter-mates tumbled in the dust with excited squeals and squeaks.

Silverkit greeted Greykit with a mutual touch of noses. Flowerkit nudged Silverkit's shoulder, "Look at Flamekit and Tigerkit. They look as hostile as an angry badger."

Silverkit turned her gaze to Tigerkit and Flamekit to see the two kits staring aggressively at everyone. Flamekit even stifled a fierce hiss at Cheetahkit when her brother tried to ask what was wrong. Cheetahkit squeaked in fear and dodged out of the way as Tigerkit swiped half-heartedly at the jumpy kit.

"Hey! Stop that!" Eaglekit snapped and approached Tigerkit with a lash of his tail. Fawnkit and Ivykit flanked their bold brother with nervous glances at eachother.

Flamekit fluffed out her fur, "Back off, runts!"

Eaglekit growled, "I'm bigger than you. That makes you the runt."

"Wanna prove that?" Tigerkit snarled and flashed his small, pointy fangs.

Ivykit opened her mouth to intervene but Bluekit beat her to it. "Tigerkit! Flamekit! Get over here and stop bullying the others."

Tigerkit swung his broad head to face Bluekit. His sister stalked up to him with a stony expression on her face. "Why?"

"Because I said so." Bluekit meowed coldly. Silverkit had to do a trouble take. Bluekit talking coldly?! But she was always so nice!

Tigerkit, too, seemed confused at his sister's temperament so he dipped his head slightly and stalked away from Eaglekit and his sisters. Flamekit followed more slowly, still eyeing Eaglekit angrily. Eaglekit stared back.

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