" 1 day before.. „

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It has been 2 months since Sunny moved away from his best friends. They all thought they were never gonna see Sunny again... {in my au, the years Omori was set in is 2010-2020, not including the years they were born. In the actual game, it's not confirmed but its probably between the years 1994-2003. Also, all the bad shit that's happened/happening in the world right now doesn't exist in this story. So pretty much, Omori in our timeline but without covid and shit. Anyways, I'll let y'all read now.}

[8:23am, Apr 14 2020]
Mewo sat there by Sunny's side in his empty bedroom. It was quiet, all the young boy could hear was the small cat purring, rain softly hitting the window beside his bed and cars driving outside. He lived on the second floor of an apartment building. Sunny looked at his alarm clock, which was on top of his notebook. "8:26AM" it read. Sunny picked up his phone which his mum got him so he could message her. He also had the others to message, they had their own mini group-chat. They would call almost all the time and all wanted to see Sunny in real life and not through a phone. Sunny missed Faraway, it was quiet there. In the city it was loud and had tons of people. He had social anxiety around new people and only will get comfortable with someone if he likes them. He hasn't met anyone new in the city, mostly because he hasn't went out, he was scared of being judged by other people he has never met before. Sunny got up from the bed and walked out to the kitchen. He then walked into the cupboard, grabbed a bowl, cereal and milk. He then poured the cereal into the bowl, poured the milk, picked up his breakfast and sat down at the table and started eating. He then felt a buzz in his pyjamas pocket, the boy reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone to see why his phone went off. It was a message from his mother, reading: "Hey sweetie! Make sure to pack your bags for tomorrow, I have a surprise for you. Oh, and make sure it lasts at least 2 weeks. We'll be leaving at 10:30 and I'll be home by 6 with takeout. Love you!". Sunny quickly finished his breakfast, went to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth, gone to his room to change then got one of his suitcases and started packing clothes and stuff that'll last 2 weeks. When he was done, he put his suitcase next to his bed, got his notebook and started drawing.

1 hour later

Sunny was still drawing away until he got a message. He grabbed his phone and checked who it was from. It was from Kel. The message read: "Hey Shortie! How are you doing? Me, Basil, Hero and Aubrey are playing Minecraft if you wanna join from your Computer. If you can, of course." Sunny replied back saying "alright". Sunny then hopped onto his Computer and joined Kel, Aubrey, Hero and Basil. They all decided to have a build battle and had around 2 hours to complete their builds. "3.. 2.. 1.. GO!!" Kel typed into the chat.

2 hours later..

The 2 hours were now up. Hero tried to build Mari, Kel built a Basketball, Aubrey built a bunny, Basil built a flower and Sunny built Captain Space-boy. Guess who won the battle? Sunny. Kel then typed in the chat "did anyone else's parents tell them to pack clothes and stuff that'll last 2 weeks?". Aubrey, Basil and Sunny all then all typed yes. "When are y'all leaving for this mysterious surprise? Me and Hero are leaving at 10:00." Aubrey replied with 10:00, so did Basil. Sunny then typed: "So I'm the only one leaving at 10:30.?" And they all ended up leaving the game 5 minutes later.

7 hours later..

Sunny laid there on the couch patting Mewo as he waited for his mother. He then heard keys in the door and immediately got up to see who it was. The door opened and it was who he thought it was, his mother who had Chinese food. They both sat down at the table and Sunny's mother asked: "Is your stuff all packed?" "Yes mum, my stuff is packed." Sunny replied while eating his dinner. When they were done, Sunny poured some food and water for Mewo. Sunny was gonna take Mewo with him because: 1, He doesn't like her being alone. 2, Sunny has a harness and leash for her which Mewo doesn't mind wearing and 3, Mewo eats and drinks quickly and because Sunny's mother will be with him for this surprise, he's scared she'll starve. Sunny then looked at the clock which read "6:45pm". Sunny then decided to brush his teeth, have a shower then head to bed. He went to the bathroom, had a shower, brushed his teeth then headed off to his room to sleep.

Some time passed and Sunny still wasn't asleep. The young boy looked at the alarm clock, the time was 11:51pm. Mewo suddenly jumped onto Sunny's bed and almost immediately fell asleep on it. Sunny then fell asleep around 5 minutes later. Sunny's mother walked into the room to check on him and smiled when she saw his son was peacefully asleep for once. She walked into the room and then kissed Sunny's forehead and said "Sweet dreams sunny, you'll be so happy tomorrow.." She then left the room to let his son sleep peacefully

words: 959

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