Chapter 2- Little Talks

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The chill of the late evening air offered its unappreciated greeting as I slipped out my window as usual.

Sitting under the twinkling stars of utterly boring Ireland, I mourned for my mother, cursed my father, and longed to have a life like a normal girl would.

Anyone but me. Please. Anyone.

I wished my heart out to a shooting star, but it chose someone else to bless as it did every night.

Opening my small leather journal, I wrote by the dim glow of the candlelight emanating from inside the window of my room.

Gosh, it felt like a jail. Just being outside of the mansion walls, well technically, even though I'm sitting on the roof of the front entrance of the mansion, felt better than being suffocated by the musty old air that filled the mansion.


When will I get out. I'm tired of this place, these doors, this prison. I need to get out. My heart longs for the normal life of a teenage girl that I need. I'm never going to become someone if I never escape. I need to escape.

- Stacey xo

I look up from my neatly written page and stare off into the darkness of night.

A soft knock on the window startled me and pulled away my thoughts. Smiling in her gentle way, Christine gingerly opened the window.

"Can I come out and sit with you?" she asked.

Every day, without fail.

"Of course". I said, as always.

"What is it tonight? What are they saying?"

She meant the stars.

We both looked to the sky. Ever since I had shared the myth that God had formed each individual star with his very hand, adding extra sparkle to some, had tossed them into the atmosphere, causing the glittering spectacle.

I remember Christine commenting, "That's like people. Some have sparkle, something special, and some just don't. You're a special one, Stace."

If only.

"They want me to go home." I said plainly.

"Where is home, if not here?" Christine asked, giving me a small cake.

"I don't know." I said quietly, taking a little bite.

Oh, how I love our little talks.

But now they are gone, and so energizes my desire to escape.

Oh Christine, how I miss you dearly.

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