Part Two

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The heat wave that had settled over the middle of Indiana seemed to be slowly draining the life from everyone in Hawkins and your group of friends was not immune. Everyone had gathered, once again, at Steve's house for the day. His parents didn't seem to mind, his dad was at work until late and his mom just stayed in the house other than to pop her head through the sliding glass door and offer up snacks or drinks.

Jonathan was in and out of the pool, his beat up Polaroid in hand as he took pictures of everyone. He always documented your days together, whether it was with his nice, expensive camera that took incredible quality pictures, or his Polaroid. He said that special moments deserve to be remembered, even if you didn't realize they were special while they were happening. Everyone would groan, pretending to be annoyed when he'd tell them to smile. But you all loved it. You loved knowing that no matter what happened in the future when everyone wasn't around all the time, you'd have these pictures. You'd have these memories. You'd have these special moments.

Dustin had just done a particularly messy cannon ball into the deep end, sending water splashing all around when Eddie appeared suddenly through the fence. You let out a loud whoop when you noticed that he'd finally gotten himself a proper pair of swim trunks, rather than insisting on swimming in a pair of jeans he'd cut off above the knee and a t-shirt like he had the day before.

"Yes, yes," he announced loudly as he strode into the yard, his head bowed and hands up as if to calm a rioting crowd. "Behold the sight of my pasty white body in all its glory." He bellowed as came to a stop near the edge of the pool, hands landing on his hips in an exaggerated pose.

Robin swam to the edge of the pool and splashed him. The cold water hit his feet and ankles, making him jump back with a surprised squeak. "You gonna jump in or just stand there like a second place pageant queen?" She asked as she shook water from her hair.

The dramatic boy brought his hands to his chest, mocking having been wounded. "Ouch, Buckley." He cried through gritted teeth. "Second place?" By now you and Lucas had joined her at the edge and you all began to splash water at him violently. 

"Okay!" He called, his voice shrill as he jumped on his tip toes away from the water. "Move back then, sweetheart." He winked to Robin, the instigator of the attack. "Don't know how big this is gonna get. Don't wanna hurt ya."

You followed Robin and she swam away. The two of you laughed to each other as you doggy paddled. You heard footsteps falling quickly behind you. Turning toward the noise you saw Eddie taking a running start at the pool before jumping, holding his nose with his right hand, and tucking his legs into his chest just before crashing into the water loudly. He emerged from the water to cheers from your assembled group. He shook his long hair with a screech as he broke the water.

The afternoon carried on the same as it had the previous day. People would swim until they were tired or bored, then sit on one of the four patio couches that was arranged in a square under a large red umbrella until the heat was too unbearable. Then they would hop back into the pool. Wash, rinse, repeat.

At some point Steve's mom had come outside with some pizza boxes in hand. You all thanked her sweetly as you filed out of the pool.

Robin walked a few steps ahead of you. Her neon orange swimsuit was almost reflective under the harsh July sun. You were careful to keep your eyes squarely on her shoulders, afraid even a passing glance anywhere else would color your face red for the rest of the day. She picked up both of your towels from where they sat on the patio couch and handed yours to you.

"Thanks," you mumbled as you took it from her, your fingers brushing hers under the fabric. She smiled a silent response as she began to pat herself dry.

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