Part Six; Epilogue

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Your little band of miscreants was currently sat in Eddie's living room. Iron Maiden played from the speakers when Jonathan walked through the front door, kicking it closed behind him as Steve and Eddie took the takeout bags from his hands.

"Hey," he said quietly to nobody in particular. 

Nancy stood from her spot on the couch and walked toward him, a lit joint in her hand. He took it from her and brought the end to his lips without question. He coughed a quiet thanks as Nancy took her spot back on the couch next to Robin, who sat one the middle.

You sat on her other side, one arm over her shoulders as she rested against you. Her eyes were closed as the hit she'd just taken from the joint you were sharing took effect.

Eddie sat in his usual recliner while Steve took the one that Wayne typically used. Jonathan huffed as he sat down on the floor. His back was against the couch, right beside Nancy's calves.

"You wanna squeeze in up here?" Robin asked him.

"'M fine." He grumbled.

"You wanna squeeze in here, big boy?" Eddie asked, raising his hands over his head and shaking his long curls while circling his hips in his seat.

"Fuck off, man." Jonathan laughed as he reached over to smack his leg. "I went out in the middle of a blizzard to bring you your damn dumplings and you wanna fuck around?" He laughed again.

You looked out the window of Eddie's living room. It was certainly snowing, but nowhere near a blizzard. It was only December, after all and everyone knows that the bad snows don't come to Indiana until the middle of January at least.

It was two days to Christmas and you'd all gathered for your annual Christmas get together. Eddie's house had been chosen this year. You smiled to yourself as you looked around at your friends.

But your smile grew when you looked down to Robin, whose head was nestled nicely into your shoulder. She looked so lovely, her sandy hair against the blue of the sweater she'd bought you.

You'd been "official" since that night at the park. Both of you cried as you confessed your feelings to each other under the dim street lights. Looking back, you couldn't help but feel a little silly about the whole thing. But, silly or not, that's how your story started.

You still had to remain pretty low key with your relationship. The Midwest is not the most forward thinking part of the country. The only time you felt comfortable to be yourselves was when you were with your friends, when nobody that could judge you was around. But the two of you had spent countless hours talking about all the places you'd go to once you were able. New York, San Francisco, Paris. Endless trips around the world were planned in hushed whispers. Your own little secret globetrotting adventures.

You looked from your girlfriend up to Eddie, who's chair was situated closest to where you sat on the end of the couch. You felt just a bit emotional when you thought about the night you had told your group about your relationship. You remembered pulling him to the side and quietly thanking him for the night that you told him everything.

"Don't gotta thank me," he told you as he pulled you to his chest in a warm hug. "Freaks gotta have each other's backs out here."

That was also the night he told you the he'd known about Robin's crush on you for a while. It was a shock, to say the least, when he admitted that it was a relief to not have to keep her secret anymore.

"You call me her girl, like, once a week," you giggled.

"Was trying to, ya know" he laughed, pushing his palms together. "Just glad you two finally talked." He told you with a fond smile. You wondered to yourself if he had any idea how special he was to you.

Soon, all the food that Jonathan had brought with him had been passed out to everyone on paper plates. The laughter that filled the small, warm home was music to your ears. It was a special kind of magic to be able to have everyone you love in one place, making the most beautiful memories together. You wished it could be like this always.

Jonathan had brought his nicer camera with him, opting to leave the Polaroid at home. He spent most of the night snapping off pictures. The flash of his camera signaling another memory for someone's scrapbook.

Robin was standing with Steve near the coffee table when Jonathan asked them to pose. You laughed from the kitchen as you watched them do their version of poses. Robin puffed out her cheeks, crossing her eyes while she pulled her ears with her hands. Steve did his rendition of a magazine supermodel photoshoot, turning his back to the camera and pushing his hips out dramatically while looking over his shoulder with a pout on his lips.

"Baby!" Robin called, waking the butterflies in your stomach. She'd been calling you that for nearly four months but it never stopped being the most wonderful sound in the world. You hoped it never would.

She gently pushed Steve away from her as you got closer. Taking your hands in hers she gently moved you, making you take two steps backwards as she looked up at the ceiling. When she was happy with your position she smirked, her eyebrows raising as she looked from you to the ceiling. She's placed you directly under the mistletoe you hadn't even noticed was hanging from the ceiling.

You smiled at her as your hands wrapped around her waist. She leaned into you, her arms finding their usual place around your neck. You pulled her into you, your bodies flush together. You hardly noticed the flash of Jonathan's camera as he snapped a picture of the moment. When Robin broke the kiss you heard a collective "awww" from your friends.

You felt a warm blush crawl over your cheeks as she pulled her arms from you, one hand tracing down your arm to take your hand in hers. She led you back to the couch. You sat down and she immediately made herself comfortable on your lap. You wrapped your arms around her as she put one hand behind your head, her fingers tangling into your hair.

As her fingers danced softly through your hair, you couldn't help but wonder how the picture turned out. You knew that Jonathan would get you a copy after the holidays. But you almost couldn't wait to see it. You'd have to hide it from your parents, obviously. It would spend its days tucked into an old copy of Alice In Wonderland that sat inconspicuously  between other books on the shelf in your room. That was the hiding spot for any and all evidence of your relationship.

But you knew that someday, when you were both older, it would be freed. You'd proudly frame the photo and hang it in the living room of the home you'd someday share with Robin. You imagined it as you relaxed into her touch, your body seeming to sink deeper into Eddie's couch. Tonight's picture would be encased in a simple black frame, you decided. You could tuck the Polaroid from Steve's pool party into the corner of it. It would be perfect.

"The girls are cuddlin' again!" Eddie called out, a smile evident in his sing-song voice even though you couldn't see him. Robin's eyes shined as she grinned at you before leaning in to kiss you once more.

"Jealous she doesn't wanna cuddle you?" She asked him, looking over your shoulder to where he stood in the kitchen.

"Nah," he answered. "Never steal your girl, Buck."

She looked back at you, her smile somehow wider. "Yeah," she whispered. "All mine."

And she was right. Not just for tonight. Not just because you were both inebriated. But forever. Everyday. For as long as she would put up with you, you were all hers. And she was all yours. You finally had everything you'd ever wanted.

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