Part Four

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You began to pull yourself away from your friends. It started slowly, small things at first. You couldn't go to Steve's house on Saturday because you had too much homework. You couldn't watch movies at Robin's because your mom needed help at home. You couldn't go to The Hideout because you were grounded. You even started eating your lunch in the library to avoid Robin during school hours as much as possible.

For the first few weeks they all tried to call you. They all tried their best to force you out of your self induced isolation. But you wouldn't budge. You felt a nagging sort of pain in your chest each time they called. Until they stopped calling as often, and then barely at all. The only one who stayed consistent with phone calls almost every day was Robin. The one person you wanted  to speak to, but the one you knew you needed to stay away from.

Even Eddie had shown up at your house on a Friday night a little over a month into your withdrawal from the group. His beat up two tone van parked in your driveway as he snuck around your house to find your bedroom.

You nearly jumped out of your skin when he knocked at your window. It was dark and his brunette mane was hidden in shadows, but his million watt smile lit up your window when you looked over to him.

"Get dressed," he told you after you opened your window for him.


"Aw, come on," he urged playfully. His hands sat on top of one another on your window sill as he stood outside, the window somehow the perfect height so that he barely had to stoop to see through its frame. "We're all getting together at Harrington's."

"I can't," you lied, running a hand through your hair. "I'm grounded."

"Ah, ah," he stopped you, one hand raising as he shook his head. "You used that one to get out of coming to my show. Which hurt, by the way." He finished with a wink.

"Eddie, I just can't." You were sure that your pain was written across your tired face. You never were good at hiding anything.

"What's goin' on with you?" He asked. His voice was quiet, concern lacing his question as he tilted his head just slightly.

"Nothing's going on, okay. I'm just- I can't."

He was silent, which was weird for him. Not unheard of, but definitely not normal. You felt him watching you as you inspected your carpet, which really needed a good vacuuming.

"You really grounded?" He asked suddenly. His question made you look at him, finally. You just couldn't lie to him. Not anymore.

"No." You answered softly.

"Wanna drive around?" He asked. "Just me and you."

You'd never spent time with just Eddie. Not because you didn't want to, just because the opportunity had never presented itself. But you missed him. You missed the scent of cigarettes that followed him around. You missed his laugh and the way he called you his girl. Well, he called you and Robin "his girls" or "the girls." But you missed it.

You accepted his offer and ten minutes later you were in his van driving towards Steve's neighborhood. "Gotta drop these off," he told you, motioning to the baggie of joints in his cup holder. "But I won't stay."

You agreed to stay in the vehicle while he made the drop. You were sure he told you what excuse he was going to use to get out of the get together, but you didn't remember it by the time he stopped the van outside of Steve's house. You weren't even sure you'd heard it, your own heartbeat thump thump thumping in your ears the closer you got. 

"I'll be right back," he told you as he opened the driver's side door and jumped out, leaving it run while he was gone.

He was in and out of the fenced in yard in record time, jogging just a little as he made his way back to the van. Back to you. "All set," he said as he put the vehicle in drive and pulled away. "Where ya wanna go?"

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