Chapter I: Bad luck

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September 11th

I just got out of school when Lawliet messaged me to buy some groceries. Once again...
I entered the store and straight up headed to the candy department. He likes every kind of sweet, especially if they fit between two fingers and can be eaten in a few bites. After the past weeks I spent with him I thought I found the flavour he likes best: Strawberry. But I was too tired to pick out after his taste so I just took three packages of every cupcake and donut and juice and chocolate I could find. That will be a lot to carry., I thought and went to the empty cash register. Nobody around today, huh? I paid with the credit card L handed me the other day, packed my groceries, placed them on my bike and drove off to him.

I felt a strong urge to hurry. That must be the enthusiasm I've felt since I started at L. So I started pedalling with all the power I had in my legs, faster and faster. The wind blew through my hair and I immediatly felt the exhaustion leaving my body. I was almost there when I made a right turn and suddenly found a kid standing all alone on the bikeway. »Hey! Watch out!«, the father screamed running up to his kid. I braked as soon as I saw him but I already knew that it was too late, so I reflexively closed my eyes and tried to turn. Of course it didn't work out. I fell off the bike, landing on the cold, hard ground. »Ugh«, I groaned in pain. My eyes were still closed when I tried to slowly stand up. I remained on my knees and took deep breaths to calm down. Wait, what about the kid? As I opened my eyes I saw the father in front of me, in his arms the little boy. Luckily he seems fine. My eyes slid over to my bike. Or whatever was left of it. It lay a few meters in front of me, in ruins. The front wheel was off and so was the saddle. I sighed in frustration. Yeah, the bike was already old. It was a matter of time for it to break.

»I am so, so unbelievably sorry! Please tell me you're okay.«, the father seemed to tears. »Do you need an ambulance?«, a passenger shouted from the other side of the street. I lifted my hand to sign thank you and finally stood up. »Sir, it's fine. I'm okay.« The father sighed in relief and shook his head. »I was careless and didn't watch him. I'm sorry.« he bowed and pointed at the bike. »How much for it?« He looked down to grab after his wallet. Only then I noticed his thin arms, his poor haircut, the many holes in his jacket, the worn out shoes and moreover the deep bags under his eyes. If I had to guess he's a single father. Must be hard. »Sir, there's really no need for that. It was long overdue for me to buy a new bike. Please keep the money.« I already knew that he would keep insisting on paying so I walked past him, straight to my bike and picked up the pieces of debris. Luckily the two grocery bags remained intact. Cheers to cloth bags. I somehow managed to carry all of it on my own and kept walking to Lawliet. »Young lady! Please wait a second!« The father stood in the same place as before. He seemed very worried but I didn't think he would follow me. He is too tired even though he really wants to at least pay for the damage. I found it lovely. Hopefully he has the strenght to carry the burden of being a single parent.

Two minutes passed. I was almost there and felt miserable. My hands and knees burn. There's some blood, too. I still had my school uniform on since I didn't go home after lesson ended. I didn't think it would be necessary because I often work until midnight at L and just sleep on his couch. The blouse seems fine but I definetly have to wash the pants. If I don't I have to wear a skirt to school and I really don't want to do that. Different from the other girls I didn't wear the female school uniform. I insisted on wearing pants, just like the boys because I felt more comfortable and when the principal argued with me about "correcting" my clothes, I gathered all the female teachers and students and explained the situation and as a result all of them supported that every girl should be able to decide for themselves. I knew that they would understand. As a result a handful of my classmates, including me, are wearing pants to school.

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