Félix has clever ideas...

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Félix smirked as he closed the side door of the Agreste mansion behind his back, his gaze darting around to ensure nobody had noticed him sneaking in. Although he was again wearing Adrien's clothes, he would've had difficulties explaining why Adrien was outside when he had seen him very clearly coming back in just an hour before, messing with his plan, by the way, because he had intended to use the same excuse he'd used previously and pretend that Adrien had forgotten his keys. Luckily, he was resourceful.

Everything seemed clear, and he knew from his previous explorations of the building that this side entrance was out of the reach of the security cameras, so he knew he was safe. He started walking down the marble corridors to reach Adrien's bedroom, doing his very best to sneak by the walls and hide from view, until he found the door of his cousin's room.

He knocked, but the music of the piano from inside didn't stop, as if Adrien hadn't heard him. He knocked a bit louder, but still no answer. So Félix decided it was worth getting inside, or at least it was safer to face the surprise of his cousin than Nathalie or the Gorilla, or worse, Gabriel himself, to find him and question him.

But when he went past the antechamber and reached his cousin's bedroom, he was extremely surprised to find the room empty. Adrien's phone was placed on top of the piano and was playing the music that his cousin should have been practising. Félix's gaze narrowed. So...his dearest cousin wasn't that different from him, after all. He too sneaked out and hid things. That was an interesting detail to be aware of; Félix wondered where Adrien could be, and how he could have gone past the security cameras of the mansion.

As he thought that, he walked around the room, picked up Adrien's basketball and threw it in the basket thoughtlessly. Then, he went to one of Adrien's arcade video games and played for a while on it, to pass the time. When the sunlight started tinging in orange and pink, however, he walked to the piano and had a look at the recording that was playing. It must've been a practice that Adrien had recorded. There was still a good half an hour left on the file, so Félix sighed and moved to the sofa, sitting down and switching the TV on, and muting it immediately to avoid suspicions.

He had just turned on one of Adrien's videogames when, to his greatest surprise, he saw a shadow approaching Adrien's room from outside. A shadow that was unmistakably that of Chat Noir. Félix ducked instinctively and hid behind the couch, knowing that the heroes of Paris were still looking for him. In a way, however, he had no idea why he was doing so: after all, he was in Adrien's bedroom, dressed as Adrien and playing Adrien's video games. Only Adrien himself would have realised that it wasn't him. But he had just resolved to sit down again and resume playing the game when he saw Chat Noir tumbling inside the room from the window and land graciously crouched on the ground. The hero looked around, checked on the phone on top of the piano, and then said, "Claws in." In a flash of green light, in front of a very surprised Félix, Adrien took his place.

So Adrien was...Chat Noir? The discovery was too much even for one like Félix to bear; the boy couldn't help gasping louder than he should have, and in a literal second, his vision was filled with the electric green eyes of a black little creature like Duusu, or Barkk, the other kwami that Ladybug had given him to transform into Flairmidable.

"Adrien? We have a problem," the black kwami said.

Adrien was turning off the music recording on his phone. He sighed. "Another one?"

The black creature zipped back to Adrien's face. "You may find that this is a bigger problem."

"How can anything be a bigger problem than us not being able to contact Ladybug today, Plagg?"

The kwami Adrien had called Plagg shot a glare towards where Félix was hiding. "Your cousin."

"What about him?" Adrien had just switched off the recording and was putting his phone back into his pocket.

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