6. flowers

921 26 0

Amira's POV

I'm not sure if Juliana was the one who planned the date we went on but it wasn't half bad. 

It would've been better with a different guy.

Roman didn't bother to text me after but I don't know what I was expecting since it wasn't real. It's been three days since then and I've been a little anxious about our next date because Juliana made it evident that they'd be last minute. I asked her if I could get a schedule, but she laughed it off and said no. 

A couple of news outlets put out articles about us or included blurry pictures, but nothing crazy yet. 

I have to relax because one date isn't going to get that much traction, but I really want this all over with. 

It's also painful for me to do this all with Roman because the first 'healthy' relationship I'm in isn't even real. He's doing all these nice things because he has to, it makes me wonder if anyone would actually do this all for me. My ex made sure that I knew how worthless I am.

Someone knocking on my door breaks me out of my thoughts. 

I get up from my vanity and look through the peephole.

It's a delivery man with flowers. 

I open the door and he hands me the flowers: white roses. They're in a nice vase, and the thorns are cut off, this person went all out.

Juliana's office assistant knew what to do. 

Walking back into my room, I put the roses on my dresser and sit back down at my vanity to continue my makeup. But I can't help it when my thoughts wander back to Roman and our stupid contract. 

I've seen enough movies about how it becomes real but I know for a fact that Roman's too repulsive for that to ever be an issue. 

Swiping away excess powder, I grab my phone, purse, and keys, and head out to the grocery store. Sadly, the closest grocery store is a 20-minute walk, so I have to stick it in the New York winter. It's also five in the evening, so it's extra chilly, but whatever, I have to eat. 

Once I make it inside the heated building, I exhale and sigh, taking in the warmth. After warming up, I grab a cart and plug my headphones in, taking my time walking around the store. By the time I have all of my things, it's almost seven and pitch black outside. 

Daylight savings, you have to love it.

I walk to the checkout and realize how empty the store is. The cashier gives me an easy smile and begins scanning my items. 

"Ma'am, there's a severe weather alert, the roads aren't safe right now," the girl, probably a teenager, says, "I don't think there are any taxis or anything running, do you have a way home?"

I shuffle through my bag and find my phone, which has a notification for a severe storm warning.

"Fuck," I look up at her, "I don't, but thanks for letting me know, I really had no idea. I guess I was caught up in getting the greenest cabbage."

She chuckles as she scans the cabbage and other vegetables before ringing me up.

"Cash or card, ma'am?"


I hand her the cash and she gives me my change. 

As I'm about to walk away, I realize she might not have a way home either.

"Honey, do you have a way home?"

She looks up at me from the register.

"Yes, my mom's coming to pick me up soon," she smiles, taking her vest off, "I'm all set, thank you. Do you need me to wait with you?"

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