Chapter 37

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(A/n: So I honestly can't remeber what I have said about Chloe's past relationships or anything like that. I don't know if I said she's never had a boyfriend.. or what... But I'm making it to where in this she's had one boyfriend... That's it. This chaper will kinda explain what that realtionship was like. I'll also be talking about her mom a bit.... Italicsis a dream!)


I laid on the tour bus bunk with Jaden and he looked at me with a smile. "I love you. You know that... right?" I asked he nodded. "I love you too." "And I'm seriously so proud of you. Your first ever concert. And it was amazing." "Thank you." He said with a smile. I kissed him softly and moved to strattle his waist... Bad idea. My head hit the top of the bunk and I gronaed in pain.  "This bunk is really small. Especially with the two of us." I said making him laugh. I smiled.

You see, I've had one relationship before Jaden. And maybe that's why I am so in love with him, maybe that's why everything in our relationship feels like a movie. Because it's almost as if he's my saving grace. He knows a little about my past. but not a lot. I like it that way. I don't want him feeling sorry for me. I don't know, I feel like, my life before LA is almost all a secret. To everyone. But to be fair, no one really asks. I mean, Jaden has asked once, but I told him I didn't like talking about it, and he respected that and he didn't push, I'm so thankful for that. Very few people know about what my life was like. That being, the head of the orphanage I was at, Sophie, Cooper, My dad, and well, my mom. Honestly, that's what really started our problems.

Me and my mom had a great relationship. We were the perfect mom and daughter duo. But, my mom started dating this guy, and she started getting into drugs. ANd then her boyfriend moved in. Not long after he became very angry and abuse towards my mom. One day I treid standing up for my mom. Which resulted in me being abused. After that, they broke up, but then, it seemed as if every week there was a new guy. It got to the point that I couldn't handle it. And that's when I told my mom I was gonna stay with one of my best friends, Corey. She didn't know who I was staying with, nor did she care.

Corey, he was a good friend, and he was always so sweet to me. One day he asked me to be his girlfriend. I agreed because I honestly had a bit of a crush on him. But not long after that, things went downhill, he abused me, and he did, other things... And everything he did made me so hesitent. I was 15, and he was 18. Yeah, there was my first mistake. When I finallygot the courage to leave him I was 16. I went back home to my mom. I found her high out of her mind. I told her what happened and she yelled saying it was all my fault, and that I'm a whore, just like she was. That fight was the last conversation I had with her. I slept out in her car that night. I went in the house the next moring to get a change of clothes and she was passed out on the couch. I thought nothing of it till I realized that she wasn't breathing.

So yeah, that is my past. Depressing, right? It's been a long road. But I'm happy now. I'm happy with my dad, and my friends, and my boyfriend. Life is good. I'm genuinely happy. "You okay baby?" Jaden asked as he put a strand of my hair behind his ear. "Yeah, I'm great." I said with a smile. "You sure? You spaced out for a few minutes." He said. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." I said. "About what?" He asked. "How I am so lucky and how there is noway my life is real." I said and he smiled. He leaned up and I leaned down and I kissed him softly. "I'm so tired." I said as I pulled away. "Me too." He said. I laid down and he just wrapped his arms around me as I placed my head in the crook of his neck. "Thank you for being so sweet to me J." I said. "Always." He said. And not long after I drifted off to sleep.

Today was a long day, I still can't believe people are shipping me with Cooper, but honestly, it doesn't matter. We all know Cooper and I are just friends. That's all that matters to me.

"God you're such a slut!" Corey yelled. "I swear Matt is just a friend." I said. "Just like how Cooper is justa freind?" I heard. I turned and I saw Jaden standing there. "He is!" I said. "Don't lie to me!" Jaden yelled and I flinched. "First you fuck around with Matt and now Cooper!?" Corey yelled. "I swear, they are both just friends." I said. That's when Corey slapped me across the face. I looked at Jaden and he seemed unfazed. "J, I swear I wouldn't do that to you." "Don't lie to him you whore!" Corey yelled. He then grabbed ahold of my neck and pushed me into the wall. Tears streamed down my face. Jaden just stood there watching. Punches, and slaps, all between his screams, all I could focus on was the fact that Jaden didn't care.

"Baby wake up!" I heard and my eyes opened quickly. I looked around for a second, and then my eyes were met with Jaden's fear washed over me. And hurt as well. He just stood there and watched. "Baby, you were having a nightmare." Jaden said. It wasn't real. Of course it wasn't. He would never just stand back and watch something like that, and he would never think I was cheating on him with Cooper. Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I now realized it all. "Shhhh, Baby, son't cry. It's okay. Everyhthing is okay. I'm here." He went to hug me to comfort me, but I flinched away.

This wasn't the first time Jaden had woken up to me screaming in my sleep. But this was the first time that he was ever in one of my dreams. "Baby." He said softly. "I=I'm sorry." I said knowing that flinching away from him worried him. "It was just a bad dream. Just go back to sleep." I said. "No, baby... Please don't push me away. Why did you flinch?" He asked. I stayed quiet. "Are you scared of me?" He asked. I shook my head. Of course I wasn't scared. He was the only person who made me feel okay.

"I promise you, it's nothing. It was just a dream.. it had to do with... my mom." I lied. "Oh." He said softly. "I"m so sorry baby." He said. "It's okay. Can we just go back to sleep?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah, of course." He said. He kissed my forhead softly, not to startle me.

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