First First Kiss

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Carol Freeman's old friend Sonya Gomez lay on the bio bed in the USS Cerritos' sick bay. Dr T'Ana was scanning Sonya who was still dressed in her black and red command uniform. As Dr T'Ana finished she looked up and saw Carol approaching.

"Captain Freeman, Captain Gomez is recovering well." Said Dr T'Ana. "She suffered mostly minor injuries, but I wanted to keep any injured Archimedes crew members under observation, given the circumstances."

"I'm glad. Thank you.......Dr.......T'Ana." Carol tried to gather her words thoughtfully, not wanting to sound too drunk in front of the doctor.

The first contact celebrations with the Lapeerians after her starship's daring rescue of the USS Archimedes, and prevention of catastrophic destruction on the planet, had gotten a little out of control. But after the adrenaline rush of the rescue mission Carol needed to 'let her hair down.'

"Maybe you need to take a rest too, Captain". Dr T'Ana said, a slight smirk on her furry Caitian face. She knew the Captain was drunk.

"I will." Replied Carol.

"Sure." Dr T'Ana said as she walked towards another patient.

Carol approached Sonya.

"I wondered when you might come to see me." Sonya said with a grin.

Sonya propped herself up on her elbows. As she did this Carol looked her friend over. Sonya's long black hair was a little tussled, a smear of grease still on her forehead. The cheeky grin, still the same as ever. Her dark eyes bright even after the ordeal.

"Sonya......I wanted to see how..... how you are doing."

"Are you drunk?" Sonya said with a smirk. "I haven't seen you like this in years."

"I celebrated a little too much with the..... the.........Lapeerians."

"Oh! I knew you'd be great at first contact."

Carol, chuffed, smiled at her friend. Sonya's opinion mattered, not just because of their long friendship, but because of Sonya's status as an Obena class captain.

Carol sat down on the bed beside Sonya. Their eyes met for a moment, both contemplating the gravity of the events that had occurred earlier that day. The outcome could have been horrendously worse. Sonya, and her crew, could have been killed. Carol could not have coped with loosing her friend.

"I'm glad you and your crew were able to save us. It was a bit dire there for what, ten hours?" Sonya said jovially.

"11 actually." Carol lowered her voice a little and replied with a hint of slurring, "I'm glad we could save you."

"You know, when we had tried all solutions and I had a moment to myself, mind you it was while we were somersaulting towards the planet, I thought of someone special to me. Someone I've never told how much they mean to me."

"Oh," Carol said with a smile, intrigued by this admission.

Sonya wasn't one to have romantic relationships.

"It's you Carol." Sonya replied matter of factly.

Sonya's eyes met Carol's. Surprise spread across Carol's face as she processed the revelation.

"I've been in love with you for years."

"Ah....." was all Carol to mutter.

"You have Alonzo, and me, well, I'm married to the job.........But I have felt strongly for you for many years, since that mission on Rigel 4. You looked so beautiful in the glow from those amazing pink crystals."

"That was eight years ago....... You mean.... you've felt that way since?" Carol asked.

"Yeah, I just couldn't bring myself to tell you especially when you had just been promoted to Captain." Sonya replied.

"I am still human.......I could have taken it." Carol said with bravado.

"Really?" Sonya replied, her trademark grin curling one side of her enticing mouth.

"Well, maybe it might have thrown me a little." Carol paused, gathering her words, "I have to admit that I have wondered what it would be like to kiss you."

Sonya's dark eyes grew a little wider. Before she could respond, Carol turned, leant over and kissed her. The kiss was tentative at first then grew passionate. Not unsurprisingly Sonya had reciprocated Carol's affections. Carol's wonderings were thoroughly answered. Her friend's full lips were very kissable, soft and moist. Kissing Sonya was so different to kissing Alonzo. And Carol liked it. Then their lips parted and Carol retuned to her position beside Sonya.

"That was unexpected." Sonya said catching her breath.

"I couldn't let my comment hang there could I? I had to follow it through."

"That's the Carol I know."

Sonya reached for Carol's hand and squeezed it.

"Thank you." Sonya said with a huskier voice.

"I have to go." Carol stated reluctantly.


Carol's captain's duties were calling her.

"I'd better go and check on my crew. I think they are having a celebration of their own."

"You don't want to miss that!"

"No, no I don't." Carol said. "I'll call by later to say hi."

"Looking forward to it."

The pair said their goodbyes and Carol left sick baby.


On the turbo lift ride and walk to the mess hall, Carol had a moment of clarity. She had come to a decision about the promotion that she had been offered before starting the mission to the Laap system. She was going to turn it down. She loved her crew and her ship, it was her home, and she couldn't bare to part with them both.


After the humiliating escort from the Cerritos by Starfleet Security, Carol was confined to their ships' the brig.

She spent hours mulling over the situation. She thought with sadness of Alonso and Beckett, and what might they be feeling. She was sure they would be mounting a protest with Starfleet already, especially given Beckett's horrendously misguided passions. She wondered how Beckett was taking it.

But as she drifted off to sleep, she found herself thinking a little too much about Sonya, her revelation and that kiss. How would she talk about it with Alonso? But those thoughts were soon surpassed by a more enjoyable one. She wanted to kiss Sonya again.

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